So yeah, where have I been over the past few days?
Finishing up my college semester. =_________________=
Yeah, ol' SL has gotten a bit lazy and put off too much of his homework, but that's not the worst of it. No, the worst part is the final piece of work I need to put together for my last class of the semester: a class presentation about something I like, done for the sake of "showing my ability to present" in general. It can be on any topic I want, and not being the most imaginative being in the world, the only thing I could think to present that I had a good amount of knowledge about was Spiral Knights.
The good news is that I have a good idea of how I'll do the presentation; it only needs to be five minutes, and my teacher liked how I did in the group presentation. Now, here's the bad news: thanks to that aforementioned overdue homework, I simply don't have the time to gather up the required screenshots that I plan to use for visual aids. Creating and organizing the presentation won't be that much of a chore, but I can afford neither the time nor the effort to actually play the game and get what I need.
So, I've come with a desperate deal to make with this community. I need the following screenshots in order to make my presentation:
-a basic screenshot of the HUD and such, preferably taken within a Party Lobby area while alone
-another HUD screenshot, with the "Inventory" menu (with the tabs closed) and the "Profile" menu open
-a screenshot of you fighting one or two enemies in a dungeon
-a screenshot of you utterly surrounded by enemies in a dungeon on Tier 3, go for as many as you can; I suggest a Danger Room, but if you can manage a huge mob of baddies without that, go ahead
-a screenshot of you lounging in Haven with a lot of other players, discussing trading or current events or something (keep it PG!)
-a screenshot of you in a party in a dungeon
-a screenshot of Basil selling a lot of recipes (and I mean a lot, enough to fill the shop list to the point where it needs a scroll bar)
-a screenshot of a shop vendor with a lot of recipes (not the Token Trader)
Now, here's the rules that I have to set:
1) You may only submit one screenshot for each purpose listed above, so make sure you have the ones you want.
2) Ideally, I will only pick one of the screenshots you submit.
3) The screenshot must be taken at the lowest resolution that Spiral Knights supports, so that I can work it into a PowerPoint presentation.
4) The only screenshot doctoring I will allow is the cutting out of inappropriate discussion (lewd topics, cuss words, etc.) in the chat. Otherwise, they may not be edited in any way.
If you fulfill each of the above criteria and I use your screenshot in my presentation, I'll reward you with a not-too-shabby 500 Crystal Energy (hence the second rule: I don't want to pay you twice if I can manage it, I'm trying to be fair to other people too). I will also refund any Crystal Energy you may have lost in the dungeons (however I will not refund Mist Energy, you've been warned) while trying to do this favour for me, most likely in getting the "surrounded by enemies" screenshot.
So, how do you enter this impromptu contest? Simply create a post including your in-game name (IGN), the screenshots you took (with links!) and, if applicable, the amount of Crystal Energy you lost in your run (if you don't list an amount, you will not be refunded, so keep track!) in order to get the screenshots for me.
Thanks in advance, fellow knights, and good luck!
Here ya go! This is from a party area with the basic HUD (and a fancy special attack to go with it!) at the lowest (icky) resolution.
Cost 10 energy to go down, but don't sweat that.
Also, in game name = Akiyama as seen in the shot.