My friend gave me a chapeau of ... and of course I wanted to sell it. The Tabard of the blue rose was 200k cr in the AH. There weren't more of them or another chapeau. I put mine for 325k cr in the AH and sold it after some hours. Was it good for 325k cr or could I get more?
Whats a 'Chapeau of the blue rose' worth?
Mon, 01/30/2012 - 13:00
Mon, 01/30/2012 - 13:06
I just want to know if 325k
I just want to know if 325k cr was good or bad.
Mon, 01/30/2012 - 14:28
This belongs in the Bazaar...
This belongs in the Bazaar... The chapeau & tabard are costumes. If you want an Arsenal discussion, in terms of defense or offense they are worth exactly 0 crowns.
Mon, 01/30/2012 - 14:54
You already did it. You'll either cry if you did a bad deal or bragg about such a parfect deal you made.
It's safer if you let it go.
You already sold it, are you asking for more to compensate possible loss? Don't, you won't get it.
Also, go to the bazaar section and ask for a price check of whatever item you wanted to or did sell.