We get lucky and we have to pay?
So why do we need need a key to open an Iron lockbox?
A heck lot of players bought the Explorer Pack multiple times, so getting a key shouldn't be that hard. Ignore the default vendor's price and get one from the auction house.
The REAL question here, is:
Why did OOO finally release stratums harder than FSC and make us have to pay 1800 CE just to play them once?
Is it just me or are the silver keys in the AH more expensive, crown-to-CE wise, than from Boost these days?
The price of silver keys never really fell that far because most people used them to open lockboxes rather than dumping them on the AH. And nowadays, they're pretty much back up to full price.
I used my explorer pack keys to open a few lockboxes that seemed to magically be falling the prize wheel from whence they never came before.
It was strong confirmation that buying keys to unlock lockboxes is a colossal waste of resources. Not only were all of the accessories I received for female knights they could not even be sold on the AH much less for the cost of a key.
The one lockbox item I sold went for 3kcr. The buy now price was like 11kcr and was the cheapest of it's type by far. Unless you get an extremely rare accessory you'll never recoup the cost of a key. You'd be better off buying the accessories from the AH.
EDIT: oh, I still have 1 key (got 2) from the explorers pack. But I refuse to buy a lockbox for more than 50-100cr. Eventually I'll get one in the prize wheel or the price will drop on lockboxes again.
Because we haven't found a way to smash them open yet.
Not only this, but the chances of getting a box on the "wheel of fortune" seems to have been severely nurfed. This might just be an extreme case of RNG but I CLEARLY recall getting 3-4 lockboxes the first day they were introduced. As of late, I havent chanced to get one in like probably 3 solid months of playing regularly.
Perhaps Boost should start selling silver hammers...
"For like 2000 CE. God forbid they break."
They will. They always will. He's a Cheap-O, that's why.
Just know a GM and they'll use their magical Banhammer-crowbar for ya.
or give it to a friend who's willing to buy a key.