Instant Energy Market and Time Energy Market
Instant Energy market is the energy market as we already know .
You can instantly buy or sell energy if you agree with the best offerer.
In a Time Energy Market you buy a "percentage" of the total energy sold at a very specific time of the day.
For example every 12 hours the market closes and crowns and energy (crystal energy of course) are traded.
I made a picture that I hope will explain this concept better
- Everybody get energy and crowns according to their offer
- Good way to spend time while waiting for energy
(I tried this before and looking the exchange rate going up and down was kind of exciting)
- Based on supply and demand model it offers the correct price for the energy at time
- Player can sell any amount of energy not only multiples of 100
- Since is based on crystal energy is not going to hurt the developers income
- Not immediate (so the instant market should stay there as it is)
- Could be difficult to explain/understand at first
Also is the best way to exchange energy when there will be lots of players
well, more or less, it could work...for now, i think...but it would rather damage the economy if too many people buy energy to sell..but i don't see problem in this, as people would buy energy faster this way...actually, well explained, and i support.
For ensuring the same energy to not be sold twice: when a player buys via instant market, the energy bought, and the crowns spendt would be autmotically out of the totals, so, it would not make a part of the actual system.
About the gambling sense: that's what you get for letting the people make the economy, without a floor and top price. Actually, it would work moore or less like business...err...forgot, that one that people talk a lot, in new york ,more times...i just don't know how to say it in english, but, well: more or less like buying titles, and selling these at higher prices. It's alwayys a gamble, because you can't know for sure if the price of the tiltes you are buying will grow, or if they will fall considerably, leaving you in a monetary problem. Of course, with time, you would be able to predict it, but, ont alway with 100% chance. The same here could happen: the trade mught be stable, but, if some idiots with lots of money want to disrupt it, well, they would, but also, they would be disrupting theirselves in this mess.
I fundamentally do not understand one point in your proposal.
If I am selling energy, and someone wants to pay 400, and someone else wants to pay 300, why should I sell anything to the lower priced 300 person?
Have I completely misunderstood the point of your idea?
"Crystal energy on the exchange doesn't come from nowhere- it comes from real players spending real money in order to keep the servers running"
energy sold in market comes from other player who bought with real money so I don't understand what you are saying o___o
If the same energy is sold twice a player could make crowns from it but cristal energy is something that is going to be used so there will always be
someone buying it.
someone pointed out that this system is basically similar to stock market
If you're selling energy, you are not going to sell it to single players but you're adding your energy to a big pile of energy that will be divided to
the buying player. if a player is paying 400 and another one is paying 500000 it doesn't really change anything to you since only the
total amount of money matters. So if you're selling like 400 energy and it's the 5% of the total energy selled that day you get 5% of the total money
(combined money of every player buying that day). So if there are like 1000000 crowns in market that day, you're going to get 5% of that so it's 50000 crowns.
It doesn't really matter who you're selling it.
player offering 400 crowns will get a really small ammount of energy and player paying 50000 will get a big share of the total energy sold that day.
(sorry for my bad english)
You actually explained better than myself what i was trying to explain (at @BehindCurtai). You just need to know when is the right time to sell it (when a lot of people want to buy it), and when to buy it (when most of the other high payers alreeady bought what they wanted for now, making the price smaller). Actualy, if some people stop and analyze this system, if the system is implemented, them these people would actually be able to get all their money income via energy market...So, we really would need money sinks...
Noden, I just wanna say I really love your drawings!

I have no idea what you're trying to say, but that picture sure is pretty.
Crystal energy on the exchange doesn't come from nowhere- it comes from real players spending real money in order to keep the servers running.
In your system, how would you prevent the same energy from being sold twice? Ensuring that your real-money currency isn't created from nowhere is a very important part of this kind of exchange system, but your proposal seems weaker there. Someone buys the energy, and then a total stranger also gets the same energy again in a separate transaction.
If you had to spend energy to get a percentage, it sounds very speculative. Either you'd lose a fortune on a bet that people would trade a lot of energy that day (risk which would drive people away from ever using it), or you'd create more energy than you put in- in which case we're back to the basic problem with the business model.