Adding more equipment into the game?
Countless times people have suggested balancing current equipment in the game, like bombastic, shadowsun, azure guardian, and some of the shadow lair armor specifically almirian crusader.
Why did the survey just come out about adding more equipment into the game? We already have to balance the current gear, and that task is more difficult when more unbalanced gear enters the game.
Here is one example of balancing we can do, taken from Happyapathy's OP in the thread that he made to let gunners finally be heard. Obviously, based on the survey question and dev response in the thread, we are still being ignored and the thread will continue to be active and brought back for every following month that we remain ignored.
And here is the example I talked about:
"Balance the Shadowsun Set
Gunslinger armor is not the greatest, I can live with that, however the Shadowsun set damage bonus is too low to outweigh its resistance reduction, the demand for it to be fixed has been repeatedly brought back up for half a year now with no response or action from the devs, its basically a shifting of number values and not asking for a whole lot yet other weapon balances that are not as big of an issue or as old are been addressed while this one is completely ignored, is there a reason for this?"
Taken exactly from what Happyapathy said.
Let's fix our priorities.
When I made the thread talking about messed up priorities from balancing 0 and 1 star items I did not mean start adding more equipment into the game.
So far it has gone Balancing brandishes which were fine compared to other unbalanced weapons and armor > 0 and 2 star items > NPC graphics. Surveys have been about adding pets!? and then now new equipment?
What the heck??? This game really is not in a position where we can do things like tweak NPC graphics. There are much more important things that need to be done.
Fix your priorities!
I voted yes, becuase voting no might sound like "I don't want there to ever be any more equipment in the game". Dev should just use the fourms more. Undercover devs would be boss....