I do like arguing. Not that I lie about my argument, it's more of a political thing. That or I have 4chanidous. It's a weakness and a strength, when measured. On the plus, from your prespective, it does keep the topic alive.
On an occasional post, a rational person wouldn't flip out. I really do see some people going loco over a GM not liking their idea though, or getting mad becuase the GMs posted on a different idea, "stealing" the players attention. You're right in the sense that the devs at least should be able to deal with people flipping out about devs not approving their ideas, but that would add onto all the arguments about chris, or the all caps posts like renpartycats "memo".
The devs should reply in the suggestions/arsenal forums on occasion
Mon, 02/06/2012 - 18:33
I do like arguing. Not that I
Thu, 03/01/2012 - 00:32
Dear Nick,
Thank you for posting on some of the suggestions. It means a lot to me, probably more so than it should, even if the crimson order thing was a bit of a letdown.
Threads specified:
The positive, liked ideas are obvious, they have posts by people whom like them, with some haters, and some bad posts. They are generally long, with many suggestions, and may even have multiple topics on their issue. They are the main ones that need answering, on things like pets, lockdown balancing, and guild halls. Then there are the smaller ones, that if a dev took interest to, could spark more ideas on it. And the devs base their job on picking ideas that are the best out "of some unknown measure", and the ideas they have chosen are obvious in the monthly 'what-we-are-making' thread. The unknown measure is called common sense, and the point of the suggestions forum isn't to take in all opinions equally, its to get all of the best opinions based on plausibility so that something happens... or at least thats how I see it.
And "new good ideas" don't usually even get made anyway. Perhaps they aren't as good as you think they are, if OOO doesn't even consider making them? The players aren't making the game; the devs are.
So you think people would just flip out about devs posting on occasion in the suggestions/arsenal forums? And why would this be a bad thing? If someone is acting irrationally about the devs not posting or do posting in their thread in whatever way, they will be dealt with, just as if the devs posted in general. And a dev comment is worth infinitely more in suggestions than a player comment 99% of the time- the devs are the ones that suggestions are directed at... and while players may add to that, players adding things based on what devs say would likely be of more help than just random suggestions to threads.
Most of the smallest threads with bad titles would already be lacking attentions, and people already only read the four or five biggest threads. This would highlight the same threads that the devs are interested in anyway.
I still think you guys just like arguing.