I've been reviewing the wiki, but am still unclear on how this works. My understanding is that Status Resists give you the damage protection from the Status Damage, but how does a Elemental Defense (for example) fit in to that damage resistance? Is it the initial attack that is resisted by the Elemental Defense, but when I catch on fire, then it's all about Status Resist? So, does Elemental Defense do anything to reduce damage from say, a retrodes beam attack, or just their swipes?
Finally, and more to the point, what's "better" a better UV on Helmet/Armor, Status or Defense?
Thanks in advance!
It's important to keep damage and status separate, even though they often arrive at the same time. I'm not an expert, but here are some examples:
* Suppose that you walk over a grate that is spewing ice. Two things happen: You get some elemental damage, and you get the freeze status, which locks your feet to the floor.
* Let's say a gun puppy fires a fireball at you. Two things happen: you get some elemental damage, and you get the fire status. The fire status then inflicts some damage to you every few seconds. This damage appears to be normal, but normal armor doesn't lessen it --- only fire armor does --- so it's best to think of damage from fire as its own special kind of damage.
* Hail Driver does elemental damage and freeze status. Magma Driver does the same amount of elemental damage, but with the fire status. Nova Driver does elemental damage, but no status at all.
* A fire retrode (hotrode) has two attacks. The swipe does normal damage and fire status. The beam does elemental damage and fire status.
* A fire zombie (slag walker) has four attacks, that do a mixture of normal, shadow, and fire.
As you can see, the fire issue is pretty separate from the elemental issue. Whether you want lots of fire protection, or lots of elemental protection, or both, depends on your situation. You have to read the wiki, to determine what the monsters you'll be facing can do to you. I don't know of any general principles saying that damage protection is better than status, or vice-versa. But maybe another poster will.