I'm too stoopid to figure out how to execute jar files, so can someone make a full arcane salamander with prismatic dragon wings in a couple of different colors for me on spiral spy? Include orange (my color) and blue (the "arcane" color, like on the icon). Ive been considering throwing 9k CE at the nearest man who owns them, prevailing they look good on arcane.
Spiral spy request!
Hope this helps.
Edit: /me throws a chair at Windsickle.
Fancy Wings looks best at Arcane Salamander IMO. And I suppose fancy are cheaper then prismatic.
Fancy Wings on the left and Primatic (orange and blue) on the right
Edit: /me throws a chairs at Smashcraft and Windsickle.
Fancy goes with wyveren I think.
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go with prismatic on arcane, but heavy wings on dragon mail seems to look better with orange... my eyes match the dot on the sheild. Mabey they'll have one of those color-change things again. I dunno. Useful becuase I want the arcane for more than looks. Beast and slime damage bonuses are basicaly peircing defense as long as you don't step on spikes.
/Throws a Chair at Merethif, Smashcraft, & Windsickle.
Wow. Free chairs for us. I've always wanted my own. Now I get, not one, not two, but three! Where am I going to put them all? Wait, do I have to share them with Smashcraft and Merethif? I wonder if I'll be getting any more.
Looks pretty cool.