Because we CAAAN!
Seriously, the fire animation in this game is so cool! Why not let players use it for once, rather than monsters?
Because we CAAAN!
Seriously, the fire animation in this game is so cool! Why not let players use it for once, rather than monsters?
thats actually not a bad idea. a flame thrower may be too excessive, but i certainly wouldnt mind some weapon types that acts like the chameleon's spit attack.
Agreeing with both^^
I was thinking like the flamethrower in World at War (limit before it overheats).
In any case, I totally want one. And it's realizable (not impossible to do).
The flame thrower of monsters is extremely overpowered... at one point, there was a bug whereby monsters could damage each other, and the Red Rover was the only monster in the game that could kill itself (or anything else) in one shot.
Actually, I think it still works to an extent...if you shield the rocket of one of the gun puppies (forgeet which one) the explosion will damage it severely. Do it twice or so and it's dead.
As for the flamethrower being OP, just weaken it or something...decrease the range and you're set.
Guess you'd have to have a cool down effect for it, or it'll be a little over powered if you can keep the attack button down and it just keeps going.
Or be like a bomb in which it requires a charge and it fires for a few seconds.