where is it?
Actually I found that model of the helm in Spiral Spy about 2 weeks ago. Its the same as the Chromalisk and Wyvern model or w/e.
However when I saw the skin I just passed it off as something from beta, never thought there was a chance of it reappearing but. Guess I was wrong.
Based on Spiral Spy, and the way the skin colors are named, It looks like it could be a costume. Of course I'm completely just guessing already, and that's the best guess I can throw out there.
But thats just the helm. The Actual armor model is probably around the same area, but its not TOO new in SpiralSpy.
Maybe some beta testers could confirm if they saw this or not? If not then its probably gonna be like the Magikat hat and PurringCap; Unaccessible.
I do hope it comes out though, ill snag those up as well then.
I've been looking at SSpy for a long time, and I was looking at things to match a dragon scale armor, this was when LD was in testing, and it wasnt in there, so it can't be a beta item.
[Edit: looked again and there's gold! dunno if that came with white, need more reliable sauce, prefeerably ketchup]
Ah ok, thanks for clarifying.
Either way I hope they actually are release soon >.<
Maybe a Featured AH item(s)?
But incase I am wrong ant it was pre-steam (because thats around the time I joined) then i'll stand corected, but I at least don't remember it being there. I hope it doesnt get too pricey either, I want that white drake armor, would make so many good costumes~
nah, I joined on steam too. But We wouldnt know unless we had SSpy so technically, let's just call em new
Thanks Tink. But yeah, with that confirmed, I wonder what it will come to... I'm starting to eye up a military vitakit just incase...
This was an error with the texture selected. We will be swapping the ad shortly.
I wanted that, and had all sorts of awesome costumes planned! Curse you!!!!!
"This was an error with the texture selected. "
Sounds like its a future release. Maybe possible Mission rewards/recipes?
Hm. That begs the question of who's getting verbally flogged for this mishap. I can just imagine it.
Want to know where this is going, Nobody knows, and the models are new too by the looks of it, I never noticed it before on spiral spy...