Can a Dev tell me why the Prismatic Dragon Wings are so much smaller than the others? Particularly the Divine/Volcanic(/Shadow) which are in the same rareness as the Prismatic.
To Devs RE:Prismatic Dragon Wings
and that the prismatic wings suffer considerably for being smaller. they look stunted. booo.
Eh, open up Spiralspy, then place two wings on a character model. It *is* bigger, but by what, 10%? >_>
Mind you, I sure as hell won't say no to a size-up, though I'd like to see it applied to all wings.
You obviously don't have them, or you'd be bothered by this just as much as me and Rommil.
I wouldn't mind the increase to all wings either, the rare ones would still have their unique effects to make them stand out.
The prismatic wings are supposed to stand out due to them being whatever your base colour is. Goes well w/ armours that are heavily influenced by your colour choice. I find mine do just that.
Also take note that my first post was written from the perspective of answering the OP like a dev would, while the second is merely elaboration oh how small the difference is. My personal opinion is that yeah, it's strange that they don't got some other special effect (like the smoke or shining of vol/div) but are in the rare bracket, however I can also see why it was probably overlooked.
Lol, I doubt a dev would say "it *is* bigger, but it's only 10% >.>" like that.
The "prismatic" part would be their rare effect. My point is they should match the size of the others in the rare bracket at the very least.
I don't even have a pair of prismatic wings, but I previewed them on the auction house just to see how awful they looked with a yellow personal color (fun fact, they're just as crappy as every other prismatic+yellow), and they're midget dragon wings. It's not even worth calling them wings, they're more like stumps.
I guess you could give them to someone to make them feel special, then laugh at them behind their back? I'm really not sure where they went with that one.
It was an oversight. I look forward to them fixing it. This it the type of attention to detail they don't usually let slip.
@Pawn So we can expect a fix on roughly the same schedule as the Blazebreak helm?
Can you get Rommil to tell them that? Since they listen to him and all :3
but they should be as big as the other special wings. @guyinshinyarmor don't be obtuse. the "it doesn't affect me, therefor its not important" isn't a good position to take (tho too many on this game do it). Even if we don't have prismatic dragon wings, it is very obviously a problem that they are smaller than the other wings. They should very clearly be the same size. Problems like these should be fixed, not ignored (by devs). Problems like these should be acknowledged, not swept under the rug (by players).
When we see these inadequacies we should all point to them and acknowledge them. then they have a chance of being fixed. If we all refuse to address any issue except teh one that directly affects us, then you'll find that none of them get enough attention to be addressed.
so, uh, yeah. Even if it doesn't affect you, they are obviously smaller than volc, divine, or snarby gear. Since they are just as rare, they should be just as big. Prismatic is what color they are, just volc are volc colored, divine are divine colored and shadow are snarby colored, so the argument "they are supposed to be rare b/c ur color" doesn't hold water.
Buying prismatic dragon wings.... I hope this reduces the price Q.Q
I guess I need to be blunt about it. I HAVE THE DAMN THINGS. There. It does effect me. I know firsthand. It's also apparent you didn't read my third post.
Like I said, I was merely stating what I assume are the devs reasoning behind it. *I* myself sure as hell wouldn't say no to making them large enough to allow actual flight, but I can certainly see why the devs overlooked it, if only from a modeling perspective. I bet anything that if they had a unique model like div/vol/shad we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Interestingly, the thread title and OP only ask for an explanation. They say nothing about changing it.
It is more of a rhetorical question, because the answer is quite obvious: there is no reason for them to be smaller than their also-rare counterparts, therefore they should be changed.
Prismatic are a modular reskin of the basic wings, while div/vol/shad have models made specifically for them. Or whoever made the wings scaled up the special ones, but forgot to do pris too. Who knows.
Tbh though, the size difference isn't all that noticeable.