All sold. Thanks for the bids guys! Enjoy the great gear...
Barbarous Thorn Blade charge time reduction medium - Sold 6K CE Perronius
Divine Avenger 2 UV charge time reduction medium and damage vs undead very high - Sold 8.5K CE Bodyguard-cn
Gran Faust attack speed increase medium - Sold 5.5K CE Stompt
Blitz Needle charge time reduction high - Sold 7.5K CE Bodyguard-cn
Vog Cub Cap elemental resist low - Sold 5.5K CE Stompt
Vog Cub Coat stun resist max - Sold 6K CE Bodyguard-cn
Skolver Coat 2 UV freeze resist max and shock resist medium - Sold 7.5K CE Kazook
Grey Owlite Shield 3 UV normal defense high/ elemental defense medium/ piercing defense medium - Sold 13K CE Perronius
1 Shadow Key - sold 1250 ce
2 Trinket slot upgrades - Sold 70 CE each Round-Shinigami
3 Weapon slot upgrades - Sold 180 CE each Round-Shinigami
3 Lockboxes - sold 1300 CR each Wolfsin
For the mats just ask for a type and I will tell you how many I have... I don't have any shadow lair mats, also dont have any green/dark/blue shards, sharp fangs, monster bones, swordstones, bushy tails left.
I dont play much anymore but my IGN is DestroyrOfWorlds, same as my Steam name...
Going to keep this post going till Sunday, If you want something immediately make a really good offer and it is yours...
At 4:00pm I will be sitting next to the unbind machine in haven 1, ready to start the trading. See you then!
shadow key sold...