i'm REALLY happy to see this update. shows that dev's are responding to fans. i'll definitely keep supporting this game.
also, philoso feather market crashing in 3..2..
i'm REALLY happy to see this update. shows that dev's are responding to fans. i'll definitely keep supporting this game.
also, philoso feather market crashing in 3..2..
Try looking in the announcement forum, like, 1 right above this one.
Anyways, would Basil Teleport for a recipe be considered under trade?
You sure you looked in announcements?
Because the topic is clearly labeled Update 4-19-2011
Anyway, I noticed that a few things like Inspect as well as the Go Solo options were
added from the Suggestions.
It is nice to know that the developers are reading our comments :3
I also like the fact that they're apparently handing out a fair bit more info about gate creation. It should at least help with understanding how to influence things (to the degree that we can influence things)
The fact that they're separating general discussion from tradespam and letting you opt in selectively is *awesome*.
Two thumbs up for this update! I've just leveled up my Cryotech Alchemer MkII to level 5 and I will be crafting Volt Driver tomorrow so... lucky me.
Wow this is a pretty substantial update compared to others. And look at all the stuff added from suggestions!
- Inspect option
- /trade chat channel
- NPC explainations of gate creation process through minerals (!!)
- Going Solo option
Thats pretty cool if you ask me. :)
What Nick said in the update thread:
We will be updating the game this afternoon. After the update, the game will be unavailable for approximately 20 minutes for maintenance. The update includes the following:
* Recipe tweaks:
* Freezing Vaporizer Mk II now requires a Frost Gel, instead of a Cooling Cell.
* Volt Driver now requires 1 Volt Oil, instead of 2.
* Wegner in the Arcade has a new objective and new info about minerals:
* He now gives new players an objective to deposit minerals, teaching them the basics.
* Once completed, he teaches advanced mineral lessons and even displays a gate creation guide!
* Brinks in the Bazaar has received a fresh shipment of Philoso Feathers for sale. Best not to think about where from.
* Minerals can now be found in Aurora Isles levels.
* Added option to party menu to "Go Solo" and continue without the rest of your party (equivalent to booting yourself from your own party)
* You may now view other players' equipment by clicking on them and choosing "Inspect."
* Added /trade channel in Haven. Please use this channel for all trade related chat.
* Added commands to join and leave channels: /join zone, /leave trade
* /join 2 or /join trade = join trade chat channel
* /leave 1 or /leave zone = leave general chat channel
* /leave 2 or /leave trade = leave trade chat channel
Middle of the afternoon for an update is kinda D: but then, we have players from all over the world so someone was bound to be screwed. Also is it possible in the future to have a earlier notice then an hour? I was just starting an arena when the 20 minute timer starter, and servers shut down when there were 2 enemies left in the third room. *reaches longingly for the heat*
Yay inspect! As an request/question, can we inspect recipes/vendors for what stuff look like?
A trade channel should help, but that only moves the spam to one spot and you might still have to haven hop to sell your wares.
It's nice to see that the developer responds to the suggestions for community. I hope there are more updates like this, because there are so many other good ideas in the suggestion forum. *thumbup*
also, philoso feather market crashing in 3..2..
Brinks didn't do much to the cost of Trojan Horseshoes (from a buyer's perspective) so I'm not too optimistic about feathers either.
Lol since Philoso Feathers are plucked from Owlite Magicians, I get the feeling that there is a torture chamber used for plucking them magicians.
I guess there was suddenly a baby boom of Owlite Magicians and they need someway to keep them and make money at the same time.
Solo mode is gonna make the terminal access selling obsolete since you can just "go solo" and abuse that aspect. sad :c
eh, i was never really into terminal access anyways.
Nobody is going to use trade chat.
They'll still spam in the main chat, where everybody sees. Everybody will turn trade chat off, and it will be useless.
I guess this is the temporary solution until we get an actual improvement on the chat box itself.
Wow, that's a LOT of good stuff in this update.
There's really only two major things left on my wishlist:
1) An auction house
or, barring that ....
2) At LEAST a way of linking an item's "information window" to chat channels.
The people who use trade chat... will be the people who actually want to trade. I'll keep it on a lot of the time, for one, unless I'm trying to arry on a conversation and it's interrupting. The only use for tradespam in general will be to try to hard sell people who don't want to be bothered by merchants. The people who do it will be rightly tagged as obnoxious, and reported.
Just noticed something; we can't tell what cosmetics people are wearing. Also can't see weapons in town but that might be different in clockwork (I'll have to check)
I also know the cryotech mk II and it still has the old mats required, not the new ones
"Brinks didn't do much to the cost of Trojan Horseshoes (from a buyer's perspective) so I'm not too optimistic about feathers either."
I sold a horseshoe for 65k, and seen one go for over ten bucks worth of CE before patch.
Brb, crying myself to sleep. :(
I like the way the gate system works with the exception that boosting is still way too expensive. I actually think it'd be a lot better if it were relatively cheap and allow us to anti boost (too lazy to think of the proper word). That way people can sink money competing for a theme for a gate instead of one just incredibly rich person deciding it immediately. But it's pretty moot at this point as it's way too expensive for anyone to want to boost.
Freezing Vaporizer MK II = bomb (recipe changed)
Cryotech Alchemer MK II = handgun (recipe unchanged)
Honestly, great update got to love the dev's in this game they fix the problems which annoy majority of the players thanks again guys I cant wait to login and check out the features =).
Honestly, great update got to love the dev's in this game they fix the problems which annoy majority of the players thanks again guys I cant wait to login and check out the features =).
I feel smart now >.> oh I feel terrible for not saying everything in one thing. also inspecting what we can see only shows stuff as level 1. (not sure about uvs)
only thing I would suggest is being able to change the colors of /zone and /trade chat, so you can tell the difference between them
Seems silly for zone chat and trade chat to have the same colour, and still be instanced instead of being across all havens. (okay there would be a helluva spam then but yeah) Not much of a point into it like that. Felt like it was just a temporary half-assed solution. Just having leave/join options is essentially the same thing.
And we still terribly need an Auction House.
And a little complaint about Inspecting: The game does not save your configuration for Allowing Full Inspect. Meaning, if you log out, it defaults back to disabled, even if it was enabled when you logged out. If I want to show off now, I'll have to keep re-enabling it! :(
The day this game gets an AH I will mad. I will mad real hard.
And a little complaint about Inspecting: The game does not save your configuration for Allowing Full Inspect. Meaning, if you log out, it defaults back to disabled, even if it was enabled when you logged out. If I want to show off now, I'll have to keep re-enabling it! :(
How do you toggle that on and off anyways? I looked for it and didn't see anything of that nature.
Like I keep preaching.
In 3 days, this function will be useless. People will advertise in both zone and trade, because it'll get more viewers. Simple as that.
@DruidFluids - I'd rather have underpriced however stable prices rather than the overexpensive unstable prices and spam madness we get on trade as it is now.
@Zerapheus - You can toggle Full Inspect in your character screen. If it's disabled, they can only see your main armor and shield, while costume/weapons/trinkets are hidden.
And an additional note: Yay for in-game patch notes!
I almost cried (okay not really) when I saw I could leave trade. It was the first thing I did when I got in-game. It was even before I closed the info/announcement box.
I'm happy because I feel like I changed the game a little bit here lol...
Too bad I can't check out any of the new changes until tomorrow...the first thing I wanted to do is join a party and leave it...then shout, FREEDOM! I still like random partying, but sometimes bad things happen. Like earlier...friend disconnected while we were in a tier 2 graveyard and I was training a noob sword...I cried...he did make it back though (after I died), but not everyone does =T
I hope people won't be allowed to spam in stuff off of the trade channel. I mean general shouts wouldn't be bad but what we had before was horrible even when I contributed to it. I still want an auction house but hey one thing at a time. It's a stepping stone :-)
They added inspect! I am the happiest mathematical abstraction right now!
Honestly, I rather not have people inspect me I dont understand why the option is full or half? Inspection isntead of just simply on or off.Just a minor annoyance apart from that Trade channel needs AT LEAST a different text color, kinda pointless right now.
A few things :
Change Text color for trade chat
Make it so you cant repeat the same message twice in normal Zone chat
Limit character input in zone chat.
But honestly I rather the whole chat system be reworked, I love using my / commands but its kinda awkward when Im hazing my guildmmates and I accidentally harass a potential customer.
Nice update :)
And for all the geniuses (genii?) in this thread: Suggestions is here http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/forum/7
Where on earth did you see any sort of upcoming update information? Ive checked the twitter, announcements and news to no avail.
Am I looking in the wrong places or not hard enough?
Oh wow they just added it.