Lotus Storm is an established, active guild.
Lotus Storm will enjoy its one year anniversary on June 30, 2011.
Vent Sever: bromine.typefrag.com ... Port key upon acceptance in guild.
Lotus Storm prefers positive, pro-active players. A savvy sense of humor is well recognized.
We also host quite a gammit of guild events ranging the from tha yammer of yes to the thwart of no.
Farming all the lower level bosses and run SL regularly are common.
Budadose has been horkin mass SL with keys considering guild as of late.
We stand on Vana Hammer with a two min flat, bomb or no.
Love the thrash on the foam party that was Royal Jelly.
Tier One player applications are not a problem. All we ask is that you have a basic concept of the token system. The guild is allways ready to help with that endevor. As long as one is willing to learn.
Maturity is apperciated as well.
I may not be in this guild, but these guys are great...if you looking for a guild I'd say go there, if not nuff said of course ;)
good post Rwar :)