I am new and need some stuff I am a junior gunner and need some gunner stuff ty pm me in game I am getting on today possible need guns to Ty in advance
Waffelzz =^,..,^=
I am new and need some stuff I am a junior gunner and need some gunner stuff ty pm me in game I am getting on today possible need guns to Ty in advance
Waffelzz =^,..,^=
If you need stuff then your best bet is to probably go and play the game and earn money, like everyone else.
Or you could spend hours upon hours in Haven and might get given some spare change by some sympathetic sod, but your crown/hour rate would be so much lower that it wouldn't even be worth thinkin' about doin' that.
In fact, in the time that it took you to make this post, you coulda probably made 4 digits.
Don't beg dude. Earn the crowns as Darkbrady says, and you'll get them in no time. I make 10k a run *says the crown counter* so it's easy, and I'm not online as much as usual.
here are some tips for getting some crowns:
1. do levels like darkbrady says
2. once you have some crowns try to buy some stuff from freinds and then sell for high price in AH
3. make some freinds! after you do a run, sen d freind request to some people! people are genorous
4. get some recipes to make things to sell in AH(Auction House)
well, thats all i got.
add me on my gunner account SneakyAlbatross. if you supply me with 200 energy (or 100 if im feeling generous) ill make you a piece of the gunner set
leave a message referring to this in the request so i can remember
Good luck getting stuff for free.