What is the most efficient way to get 150 tokens? Please Help! I...NEED..THE... GOLDEN BOMB MASK!!!!!

6 Krogmo Boosters, farm BN and don't drink all day. Can have 300+ by the end of the day if you put your heart into it.
Whats BN? And i cant buy anything that costs real money

Blast Network.
There are other ways to get Krogmo Coins; you can trade CE for them at Boost, or probably in the AH or /z chat.
That's your only options though; just play a lot. If you were lookin' for some secret quick-fix strategy, there ain't one.

There actually is a quick way 2 get one, but it takes a lot of luck. BRIBES
There's a chance of getting a bombhead mask by the prizes from bribing King Krogmo. I'd suggest that if u rlly want it, spend ur mist in the first 4 games of BN u have, than in random, tell people to help fill the bribe

You call bribing a Quick fix?
At least 3 problems, based on your luck:
You'll get anothr random price, like an extra coin.
You'll get bombheads, but not that one specifically
You'll lose when the bombhead you want is listed as a price

Lockdown had more fun than blastnetwork :P..

Subtle attempt at begging is not subtle.

I know its not the most efficient way, but like you said bribing might also get you more tokens so that would mean getting it quicker

well, i've played LD for some time now, and in a matter of 2 weeks or so, i've gotten myslef 4 of 6 of the bombhead masks. so ur best bet is to just rage-play :D and heres some advice: dont bribe, unless u know ur team will win.
Play a lot of Blast Network. Games go a little faster than in Lockdown and you're more likely to win as a newbie.