Hi there,greetings from Daclub,I've been thinking about a concept:Kill tags...they can be used to tag all the kills along our weapons,so we may know how good our shinies are,also,we can boast ourselves on how brave we were killing all these monsters.
This thing can be used as an item,which you can buy it from maybe...Vatel,the general goods merchant which will provide you this for a price(Crowns),on each weapon.
With much respect,
Kill tags on our weapons.
Sat, 02/04/2012 - 12:49
Sat, 02/04/2012 - 14:34
Another TF2 player trying to
Another TF2 player trying to make SK become just a TF2 DLC. This is SPIRAL KNIGHTS! Here's no "strange" weapons! I'm a tf2 player and I don't want sk to be even more tf2 than it is right now, so please stop posting such tee-ef-too-ish suggestions
This belongs in Suggestions.