Better way to join a friend

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Legacy Username

If you are at a gate, and have the default "join existing party" settings, then instead of randomly being assigned to a party or to a new group, how about displaying all of the parties with your friends, and then all (some?) of the other parties that you are eligible to join.

Along with this, an indication of "how old" that level is -- so you know if you are joining an early level or a late level.

Right now, it really isn't clear. I just saw at firefly that I had a friend in the dungeon -- so I tried to join, only to wind up on the party formation level.

Legacy Username
We already have that option -

We already have that option - click the "Join Friends" tab in the Adventure Board.

Legacy Username
But the idea is to put that

But the idea is to put that "list of joinable parties" at the gate, where you are more likely to be looking for it.

And, I've had times where I cannot join my friends. No explanation why.

Legacy Username
join friends have a problem:

You need that the char in question to be your friend. Using a join party could make things easier. Also, using this method, there will be need to make a "solo" button, to ensure that no one will ever join when you don't want. There could be also a party closed button, so, if you want only to duo, you can, without anyone joining midways. Both buttons could be the same, just changing names depeding the amount of people in the party.

Cake's picture
@BehindCurtai: And, I've had

@BehindCurtai: And, I've had times where I cannot join my friends. No explanation why.

That's likely because they're too far below you. This should probably be made more clear when viewing your friends.

@Cien_Tao: Also, using this method, there will be need to make a "solo" button, to ensure that no one will ever join when you don't want. There could be also a party closed button, so, if you want only to duo, you can, without anyone joining midways.

You can already set restrictions like this on your party. When you click on the gate, click on Create Party at the top. Above the big read button you'll see an arrow that allows you to expand the options. You can set the party up however you'd like from here including making it solo. Also, once you're in a party and exploring, you can lock the party. Click on Menu -> Party -> Enrollment: Locked. Having the available parties displayed at a gate shouldn't change the ability to use these settings.

Legacy Username

why i never saw that damn thing?...i will try it later them, thanks...but thios still don't solve the problem.

Pauling's picture
Party icons: The good, the bad, and the squiggly

The current board displays (anonymous) party icons on all gates where people are adventuring, but it'd be nice to have some refinements baked in. For example, I've often seen party icons on a gate, but those parties aren't joinable... currently, it's hard to pick a gate where strangers are venturing with open parties, because there's a fair chance that you still won't be able to join. (think someone soloing, or else a party that is close to the elevator, and therefore not accepting new members)

I'd like to see:
1) Mouseovers that show party size, members, and loot distribution for all available parties with icons on a given floor
2) Colors to indicate whether a party is joinable or not (especially with the recent release, which added a "sanity check" on whether it was safe to join)
3) If multiple joinable parties exist, allow the player to choose which they join (sometimes I want to hitch a ride closer to the next town; other times, I want to put in a good bit of adventuring first)

Legacy Username
Also, this could help in something:

If the party is intituled anonymous, you can't know if the party leader is that people that always kick you when you're right near the beggining, or if the people that always gets everything, and let you with low health at the front line is in the would function better to ensure that you still can get in other parties, but don't finish joining a non wanted party.