✦ Undefined, A guild you definitely don't want to miss out on, Accepting knights now! ✧

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Coolsoul's picture


Undefined is a guild all about exceeding the limits. We strive to create a convivial environment while being productive at the same time. As you can notice from the picture on the right, we can't be described by pictures, let alone words. I hope that together we can indeed find a purpose and create our own destiny. This is Undefined.

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Why Us

So now you probably are asking why you should join our guild. Well, here are some reasons why:
✔ Many of the members in the guild are quite experienced in the game. I'm sure that we can answer any questions you have. We will also be happy to assist you on delving into the depths of the clockworks (One of our objectives :P).
✔ We try our best to satisfy every single member in our guild.
✔ We're not a harsh guild. We look out for each other and even other knights not in our guild.
✔ Our sole purpose is to become a better guild and help advance fellow knights in all ways possible.
✔ Many of us are ambitious, so we will reach for the stars and beyond! If you're one of these knights, you'll fit right in!


We may be undefined, but we do indeed have a few regulations to follow. Here are a few of our basic, easy-to-follow rules:
Never be rude or obnoxious to other knights in the SK community.
Be nice and even if you don't agree or know they're wrong, don't get in they're face about it.
Be loyal to the guild and its members. Trust is a significant factor in any guild.
Help as much as you can and be kind if other Spiral Knights are in need (even if their not from our guild).
And most importantly have fun!!! :)


This guild has its objectives. These are just some general objectives, more can be added on later:
1. Delve for PvE: We should venture in to the clockworks together and take on some monsters! Bosses are also a target. For those of you who are eager to take on the bosses we will be taking on Snarblox, Jelly King, Roarmulus Twins, Vanaduke and any other bosses that come our way! BTW we especially enjoy taking down Vanaduke!

2. Create a stong guild: Many knights doesn't mean the guild will be strong. However, many trustworthy and dedicated knights make a strong guild. Remember, we can always help our guildees improve on their combat skills but trust and dedication are pretty much set. So, if you are looking to recruit a few members then make sure that they are trustworthy and actually play. When I say 'actually play' I mean that they play a considerate amount (such as at least a moderate amount of times every month).

3. Get you with us: If you're thinking of joining our guild, we feel that it is our priority to tell you what ever information you need. We'll make sure that you know that this guild is working for not just me or any member but the whole crew. And actually it's not even that: We work for the entire Spiral Knights Community. And I don't mean we give every knight we see 10k crowns (Though I wish someone did :P). What I mean is that we look out for each other and be kind to each other. Kindness goes out a long way. So, if you want any reassuring as to our goals and if this guild is worth joining come and see me or any of our fabulous guild members. Everyone makes a difference!

4. Time for PvP! Our goal here is simply to put our guild in the rankings. This is done by creating/joining guild teams in Blast Network and Lockdown. Let's make us all proud to be Undefined! :D


In terms of meetings, there really aren't any official dates unless I or another member indicates one. There is no need to attend every meeting but I recommend that you do attend some meetings or at least specify the reason why you will not be able to make it. Don't worry though- I won't bite! During a meeting however, we should go over our objectives and see what we have done and what we still need to do. This includes, recruiting, delving into the clockworks, and overall becoming a successful guild! :D
If you want to create a meeting it is preferred to use /guild in the chat box so all guild members can see. Make sure to specify the reason of the meeting and who needs to come. Be sensible- Don't call knights who are in the middle of fighting Vanaduke just to figure out how to deposit minerals in the arcade (Not that I expect any of you knights to have that question, hopefully)! Those questions can be answered without calling a meeting.

How To Join

Alright, now that you now a little bit about our guild you may want to join in on the fun. To join make sure that you can follow the rules and qualify first. Then, if you think you will be a good guild member then conduct one of the following procedures:
1. Mail me in-game (To: Coolsoul) and I will send you an invitation.
2. Whisper me while I'm online and I will send you an invitation.
We can't wait to have you in our guild! :D
[edit] Promotions

To obtain a promotion you must be eligible. Here are the requirements to be promoted from a Recruit all the way up to a Guild Master:

★☆☆☆☆ T1 Knights: Recruit
★★☆☆☆ T2 Knights: Member
★★★☆☆ T3 Knights: Veteran
★★★★☆ Appointed by other Officers or Guild Master: Officer
★★★★★ Reserved for Coolsoul: Guild Master

***If you want to be promoted make sure you are eligible. Then, come to any Guild Master or Officer to validate and receive promotion.***
PS: To be a Officer you must be a Veteran, to be a Guild Master you must be an Officer.

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Final Notes:

This information (and more!) can also be found at our wiki page here: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Undefined_(Guild)

No surveys required! Just provide your IGN, and I will send you a Guild Invitation.

We are currently looking for all knights with a good heart and a strife for a destiny. Please join us in our endeavors!

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Coolsoul's picture
Update on Recruitment!

We are now also accepting T1 and T2 knights as well! Check above for more info! ^.^