I have been looking in to getting an Elite Slash or Elte Quickstrike Module for my sword, but I got to thinking if it would help much. So, I was wondering, how much damage percentage (if it even goes by percent, I have no clue) or how much faster is a sword with low-high ASI or damage? Simple question!
Thanks for any answers!
Read the wiki article "Abilities" to get an idea of the percentage increases. People often say ASI is about 4% and damage bonus is about 7% per tick (e.g., none to Low). So, purely in terms of damage per second, damage bonus beats ASI. Also, keep in mind that you can get ASI as a UV on your swords, but you cannot get blanket damage bonus as a UV on your swords --- it amounts to six UVs. On the other hand, ASI helps you disrupt monster attacks, and hence has an aspect of defense to it.