A few days ago I proposed a character by the name of Artini to the "Embrace the Shadows" fanfic by happyapathy. First off this is not one of those "OOOO happy look at this fanfic and get impressed so you can put Artini in the fanfic!!!!!" ...no...basically I made a backstory and I kind of want to expand on it. It's going to play out like a journal and I need some characters for the story. Namely three other main characters, and a few minor characters. I'm going to put the first journal entry here now. You guys can put in character suggestions if your up to it. Format should basically look like this:
OPTIONAL: background:
Keep in mind that the three other main characters that I choose....well....sorry for spoiling, will NOT survive until the end. So please don't call me out saying,"HEY why did -your knight's name here- die in the story? Why Varsian? Why did you have to kill him/her off??? Jerk!" Or something along those lines...
Ok so im going to start the first journal entry:
-Entry One-
I found this book in my escape pod when I woke up. I can't remember a thing! All I really can is this really painful whack on my head, then nothing. I guess I should start writing down the essentials so I can remember if my amnesia gets any worse.
- My name is Artini
- I am a spiral knight...
- I have somehow good proficiency with a sword and shield
- I have a great liking of the cheese served in the infirmary at Haven.
Well those are the main ones I guess. Maybe narrating how i got to haven would work too. When I got out of my crash pod I got this message from the Spiral HQ? I think that was it, they told me to go to the rescue camp and to rendezvous with the knights who also survived the crash. So, the next few hours was me stumbling along the path to the camp, whacking my sword at these really weird jelly cubes and lizards. I was scared out of my mind! Here I am, not a clue on who I am, thrown into this really weird planet with sentient jell-O and lizards! Oh! I should probably put how I remembered my name! After stepping out onto the ground of the planet, I looked at my armor. The word Artini was scratched onto the gauntlet. I guessed that was my name. It had a nice ring to it too.
So I made it to the rescue camp, and finally to Haven. I would put more detail there but its still really foggy for some reason. My mind sort of went into "survival" mode and thought that remembering this crap wasn't necessary. Anyway, I remember stumbling into the arms of the Spiral Warden, and him dragging me to the infirmary. I guess I blacked out, because I remember waking up in a bed, staring at a girl who was shining a flashlight into my eyes. She said," well your concussion seems to have gone, and that massive gash on your cheek is all bandaged up, so i think you're gonna be all right."
I said something really charming like,"uh...guh...okay."
She smiled checked to make sure my bandages, which i had JUST noticed, on my cheek were all on alright. Before she left I remember her saying something like,"Oh! When you got to haven, you were clutching this journal in your shield hand so hard, we couldn't get it away until you finally blacked out again. If it's that important to you, maybe you should write something in it? It's empty so I was wondering why you were gripping it so hard.
So here I am, sitting in my bed, writing all I can remember from the past few days. Hopefully this comes in handy in the future. I'm running out of things to write, so I guess I'm just going to stop now, rest my eyes, who knows? Maybe if I die, someone will take this Journal from me, if they do I'll try to make it a good read.
Personality:Nice, wise, loving and caring, clever, carefree and random
Armor/Weapons:Crest of Almire, FoV, Divine Avenger, Argent Peacemaker, Fallen set.
(this is enough information right?)