What determines the odds of the prize roulette? Because I pulled 11 lock boxes from the prize roulette for the last two days. I'm not complaining, I love em, but I'm curious...
About the roulette...
i recently obtained 65+ accessories through lockboxes, if thats what you mean... >.>
a table (may vary per depth) and a random number generator. I've heard that the odds of getting high * mats goes up as you get deeper into the clockworks.
I just got super lucky yesterday and got a mod calibrator. Probably a day or two before that I got a Volcanic Iron. While they aren't lockboxes, if I sell them I could probably buy 3-4 lockboxes on the AH (maybe more or less, I haven't looked at the prices in quite a while).
Odds are pretty random, I'm honestly unsure myself. I got two lockboxes on the day they were released, and not a single one since (And I'm doing 1-2 JK/FSC runs per day)
Enjoy your luck, OOO wants your money :P
A comment on the appearance of higher * mats at deeper levels
Firstly, none of can claim to know as the odds have not been published.
I think the odds may get manually adjusted from time to time.
Anyhow, my understanding based on experience is that as you enter deeper depths the higher * mats star to have odds that are not zero. That is, in my experience, it is impossible to be awarded a 5* mat from the prize wheel while in Tier 1 strata regardless of how many times you roll it.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that opening a Lockbox increases your chances of getting a Lockbox from the Prize Wheel. I have heard about five stories now of people, like the original poster, who find themselves awash in Lockboxes immediately after opening some. In contrast, I've opened a Lockbox only once, months ago (someone gave me a Silver Key), and I haven't gotten a Lockbox from the Prize Wheel in months.
the same thing. I can't remember getting any iron lockboxes aside from right after I opened several. It seems to me that they do happen sometimes outside of that situation, but most iron lockboxes come up, at least for me, right after opening a few.
kind of like how people believed getting a rare item drop in Maplestory caused several to drop later on
the only confirmed difference is the tier
in retrospect. I opened 65 lockboxes previously... Just saying... Dunno if that has to do with my recent influx of em. =x
11 in two days? Geez. I've gotten... checks calendar... only 1 since December 19th ._.
I've only found one, maybe 2, lockboxes since they were released. :l
A lot of people, including myself, seem to believe that if you're prone to opening them then you're more likely to get them through the prize wheel. I must always know what's inside them and a majority of the times it's just disappointment. Spent way too much CE opening them, could have bought one of each rare accessory if I save it all lol.
I didn't get a lockbox in about 3 months, then after buying the holiday promo I had a surplus of silver keys. I have steadily opened one lockbox every now and then, and like clockwork I have received one in the prize wheel within about 10 rolls of the prize wheel after opening.
The chances of getting better loot from Lockboxes, and chances of getting one from the prize wheel increase the more you open.
This can't be, you're using black magic! Daarke must be killed!
In all seriousness, it's just pure luck.