So i realy like the idea of having a sword and a gun but it seems that everywhere i look most people are only focused on one. I just started so can anyone give me some advice about keeping mixed weapons? As of now i have a calibur and an autogun
Mixed weapons
A lot of vocal people seem to think (or at least I get that impression) that they should focus on one weapon type only. However, there is nothing wrong with having 1 sword, and 1 gun. (or any combination with 4 weapons). I find that carrying at least 2 weapon types makes the game a lot easier (I typically carry sword + gun or sword + bomb)
What demonicsothe said is good advice. You'll want to build multiple swords and swap them out depending on stratum. The same is true with guns, but elemental should be your first gun (keep the autogun since there is no reason to sell it and it'll be useful on specific areas).
Since you have a calibur and it is weak to nothing, I would suggest getting an elemental gun to help with turrets first, then work on getting a pierce or shadow sword so you can get bonus damage. If you are just starting out, then a polaris gun isn't really an option since you either have to spend a lot of crown at the auction house, or beat the Raormulous Twins enough times to collect the tokens. I suggest getting an alchemer. In my opinion it should be either the firotech, voltech, or prismatech achemers, depending on if you want to inflict status damage and which type. Some people like the cryotech, but I'm not a big fan of freezing enemies.
later on in the game, if you can get a 3rd weapon slot (which is easily maintainable when playing T2 & T3) you could carry 2 swords and 1 gun. This is what I do. So, if I'm on a beast theme stage I carry a piercing and shadow sword along with my Magma Driver (elemental gun) or Voltaic Tempest (elemental shock status bomb). If I'm on a jelly theme stage, I switch out my piercing sword for an elemental sword.
The problem with carrying two weapon types is that unless you have a lot of equipment, you are going to have a severly lacking one, or both under average.
If you want to be really effective as a Hybrid, you'll probably want to have at least a very high in the most significant stat (ASI, DMG or CTR) for each weapon type you carry (generally DMG for fast swords, ASI for slow swords, DMG for guns and CTR for bombs). To achieve that without UV on weapons, you'll need both your armor parts with a Medium (which mean 5*) and 2 5* trinkets. It'll be a while before a beginner get all that.
On the other hand, if you focus on one weapon type with one side-arm (generally Leviathan, Polaris or Shivermist), your main weapon type is going to be effective as soon as your armor reach 5*, or when you get 2 4* trinkets.
For me, having 1 sword + 1 gun, or 2 sword + 1 gun, especially when said gun is a Polaris, does not qualify as a Hybrid. Something like 2 sword + 2 guns or 2 sword + 2 bombs (that one cover most of my loadouts) do. Notice that to achieve that, you also need 2 weapon slots. Because, except bombs, if you want to be effective, you'll want at least 2 non-normal weapon of a type. Even for bombs, except if you use Nitronome, chances are you are going to carry at least 2 bombs.
Clearly you need to get a science lab and fuse some Zerg and Protoss.
On topic, slapping together a bunch of different weapons and calling it hybrid isn't very good. A loadout should be tailored to the level- usually there are two or three monster types on each level. For example, a neutral element Wolver Den has primarily Beasts, an area with 3 Silkwings, and a small chance of additionally encountering Polyps and/or Lumbers. Here are 4 'hybrid' loadouts that effectively address all the threats (listing only 2, optionally 3 weapons):
1. Dark Briar Barrage + Elemental Brandish (+ Acheron)
2. Final Flourish + Elemental Alchemer (+ Umbra Driver)
3. Callahan + Ash of Agni (+ Acheron)
4. Ash of Agni + Umbra Driver (+ Elemental Brandish)
Notice that the last two loadouts aren't as powerful, because the best method of handling Wolvers is with a piercing sword or bomb- but they are viable, as everything in a neutral-element level will burn just fine. Here is another example, this time a much more diverse environment. Clockwork Tunnel: Wasteworks hosts a highly variable lot- you will see Toxigels, poison Retrodes, Lumbers, Gremlins and the occasional Beast or Fiend. About the only things you won't see are Trojans and Mechaknights. Four hybrid loadouts geared toward this level might be as follow:
1. Acheron + Ash of Agni (+ Elemental Alchemer)
2. Elemental Brandish + Dark Briar Barrage (+ Umbra Driver)
3. Final Flourish + Elemental Alchemer (+ Graviton Vortex)
4. Leviathan + Ash of Agni (+ Alchemer)
Obviously, when you first start you won't have the resources to build a large arsenal ("You require more Vespene Gas"). But the majority of the cost of a 5* weapon occurs in the last two transmutations, from 3->4* and 4->5*, so you should build a balanced 3* arsenal for T2, and then decide on which weapon lines to take to 5* first- usually the ones most effective on the enemies you have the most trouble with, or that you use most often.
Have you read the wiki page on damage types? Spiral knights wiki, search damage. I'll wait.
You read it? Then you know you want 2 damage types. One on a sword, and one on your gun, since that is your preferred loadout. For guns, you want an elemental, either the polaris line, or an alchemer. Then depeding on the stratum, you'll either have a shadow or piercing sword.
Why elemental gun? Beause one of the monsters that give swordsmen troubles are the turret kind. Specifically, puppies, howlitzers, and polyps. The first two are weak to elemental, the polyp neutral. So an elemental sidearm helps a swordsmen out.