weapon consumables

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Legacy Username

what if there were pickups you could get that added a status affect to all your weapons for 5, 10 seconds or something

IE you use a curse flavored weapon doohickey and for a little bit ALL your shots/sword swings/bombs have a strong chance to curse monsters (on top of their normal affect)

also maybe +X% elemental/shadow/whatever damage while they're active

Legacy Username
It could even last the entire

It could even last the entire level or until you get out of the gate (like the HP bonus)

Legacy Username
only if those are as hard to find as vitapods

But, yeah. we could find a huge chibi sword, tha changes it colors depending on the bonus it gives, and we could have only, like, 3 of each at most, and a total of 6 to 8 summing every bonus. Of course we would be able to drag and drop these bonus, so, if we find a better one, we can simply exange. The bonus could be in the form of shields too, to add defense. The symbol for stat added effects could have the stat icon in the sword/shield. This way, however, it would add only a small chance to add the effect, like any other weapon, because it would last the entire dungeon, till you're out.

Legacy Username
I like this. Yes.

I like this. Yes.

Legacy Username
yay, i got an agreed \o/

And i'm sleepy too...better be cautious whit what i say...Rose, is that not a baby tortodrone eating your homework at the desk? (acting if i know him/her/it IRL...till now, everything is fine...@.@)

Shoebox's picture
Words, glorious words!

I was thinking about something like this when I first saw the minerals.

Basically, people only pick up minerals of one colour or just get the biggest one and so there's maybe, 6~3 crystals left over after a party breaks them all and they all go to waste.
It would require that people can break down the unused minerals into shards.

So, my idea is that the shards could be used to power up people's weapons. Each weapon gets 3 slots to fit a mineral in and each mineral changes how the charge attack functions.
Using three of the same type would offer an Elemental attack, using different combinations might offer up bigger attacks or do nothing at all.

The effects would be temporary, they'd disappear at the end of a dungeon because of their small size.
It would be an easy way to get rid of shards and adapt equipment inside a dungeon when you need to do something and can't change equipment.

Some weapons might have alternate charge attacks unlock with the right combination of minerals, some might temporarily change form or something.
Continued use of a specific combination might give a weapon permanent effects or turn them into a different weapon, I don't know.

It would probably be more complicated than adding a new pick-up, but I think it would be cooler in the end.

Legacy Username
reminds me of RO and other mmos

Actually, i would thumbs up this idea, if the effect carry over the entire gate (i don't think it is that what you said...but i can be wrong, i'm really confused with wich concept of dungeon you're using, if it is floor or gate, and, if we compare that are mineral crystals, we can get confused and say that it is like those: disapear at the end of the floor), because most of the time minerals are at the end of the floor...

Also, using this thread to coment something similar: we could get some bonus crowns (nothing much, though), for each power up that we finish the gate (let's say: 1 for each small iten, 5 for each medium, and 5 for each vitapod), but only after a money sink is implemented, to ensure that the economy don't get even worse.