Hello everyone! The purpose of this thread is so that new players can come here to ask their questions, and other more experienced players can help answer. You will notice that many threads around this section are made to answer the same questions by different players. This can be a main thread to help new players, and so that you don't have to make new threads if the answers are already here. This thread is for everyone to use, and while i will do my best to answer all your questions, other more experienced players may help out. However, don't say i didn't warn you. If you troll, we will not answer your question. This thread is for new players to come ask questions, and for others to help answer them. :)
The "Questions Thread"

I don't think so. THe only difference is that the elemental ones do... elemental damage, and can cause statuses, while the nightblade line does shadow. as for the cautery sword... don't even ask. XP
as for the status, it depends on what you're fighting. fire is no-no for oilers, freeze will be useless against ice cubes, and using shock against a quicksilver is asking to die. shadow is good for all of those jellies, though. but bad for undead, which the elemental lnes are useful against.
it also depends on what you want. if you just want to cause more damage, fire is better. want to stop enemies, freeze. if you want to stop enemies for a brief millisecond and cause some damage, shock is good.
in LD, freeze might be the best. then you could keep using your charge to freeze the opponent again andagain and again until you kill him/her. dunno though. just my opinions.

Actually, shock is considered the most annoying status in lockdown. Not only are most people immune to freeze in T3, or at least have a hefty bonus against it in T2, while quicksilver armor is much rarer. It lowers your shield, interrupts your attacks, stops your charge, and does quite a bit of damage. Of course, ice CAN be really annoying, but it's easy to avoid.

Yes, as the other two have already said, the brandish line does not have much differences, besides the statuses. If you want elemental dmg, then get fireburst, shockburst, or iceburst. all of them are bad against the opposing jellies(oilers and fireburst, shockburst and quicksilvers, and iceburst and ice jellies), so it would be better to just get the nightblade if you want to destroy jellies and gremlins. the otehr three are great for constructs and undeadd. cautery sword is not even worth mentioning, as it only goes to 3*, and does normal dmg only. If you wanted all-round sword that does normal dmg, you would want a levi or somehting instead, anyway. anyway, the fire, shock, and ice are all elemental and the nightblade is shadow, so u cant really compare them since they are best against different enemies. u can get the nightbalde to kill jellies, and get one of the other elementals for constructs and undead. i would choose the ice or shock, because once u get into tier 3, fire wont be as effective in FSC.

This thread is just going to sink into oblivion much like how all the other question threads have unless you continually bump it.
Another question: Can a recipe be sold after you learned it? My assumption is no but I could be wrong...

Ooooor you could read the wiki. But if you don't want to take the extra five seconds, then the answer is no.

...or is it just me?
I had just unlocked T2 after soloing all of T1 without dying. I knew that I probably wasn't ready for all of T2, but I wanted to see at least the first level to get an idea of what was different. My danger light, which had disappeared entirely in T1 because I had all 2** gear, was green, so I wasn't terribly worried. Then I died in the very first room... and it wasn't an arena or anything special.
I know that I didn't have the best armor, and that I'm not terribly skilled yet. My problem isn't even that I died, it's that the stupid light was green. Does anyone know how, exactly, the danger rating is determined?

By gear rating. However, what truly matters is your skill. You can play perfectly fine with a purple danger meter. Besides you own confidence, danger meters affect nothing.
The jump up from different tiers are always going to be rough. In T1, you learn to attack. T2, its about shield, and T3 is dodgeing.

As Demonicsothe said danger rating is determined by your gear, but fortunately your skills are more important in survivability. Although you've learned it hard way, it's good you've learned it early :-D
Also note that colour of danger level indicator is determined by your gear's rank (stars) and probably heat level (not sure about it though), but as far as I know, it doesn't take into consideration defence types and damage types (shadow/elemental/piercing), status resistances nor bonuses (pls correct me if I'm wrong on it). I don't think your danger rating would change if, being in Wolver Den - Raving Rabids, you swap from Dread Venom Striker to Wild Hunting Blade even though, theoretically, it should become less dangerous.

For example:
I was playing on my Alt account, and had all that 1* stuff that you get at the Rescue Camp (Mining Helm, Fencing Jacket, Beast Basher and Iron Buckler). I went Snarby. Although the danger meter was purple, I used my mad teh skizzles to beat him/her (IDK about Snarby). Of course I died at least twice, but I still won.
It's all about skill. I mean, someone who spends $200+ and gets 5* armor can beat Snarby, but so can a skilled person in 1*.

So I get that you need to cover the bases, armor wise.
That implies that I need to be investing in a few armor sets, right?
So should I be leveling up one set for every resistance? (because that's a lotta crowns)
If not, then which are the bare essentials?

You could have one set for each damage type, so 3 sets, one for piercing, shadow, and elemental. The status effects themselves do not require a whole set to defend against.
Or you could make a general purpose set, divine veil and skolver coat. This protects from all damage types, and some of the more harmful status ingame. You can also mix and match armour sets for your weapons. For example, vog cap and skolver coat. This protects you from piercing and elemental.

Cool, that's more doable. I guess I can work on these ones that go up to five star (Jelly, Skelly & Magic).
Plus maybe Gunslinger or Demo, I'm undecided. Thanks, dude.

If swords are your thing then skolver is the way to go(for a piercing set i mean).Definitely better than jelly....or am i missing something here? It's a completely different story if u decide to be a gunslinger or a bomber.

You have several sword sets, one for each damage type. However, other sets for other purposes are perfectly viable.

Guns & Demo seem more interesting to me, but I guess because there are so many Swords out there. Say I choose to go Gunslinger then. I'd still need to level my damage sets, won't I? Or am I over-thinking this.

Unfortunately, gunslingers are rather limited in their armour sets. The gun damage set gives only a low bonus on both pieces. The nameless set gives a med to asi on each piece, thus is the best set for gunners to use. So you will have to use gun damage trinkets to compensate for the missing damage.

Might it be more accurate to say that *one* Nameless piece is the best option? It seems kind of a waste for a skilled gunner not to use SSB, so that's 3 pts of ASI right there; add 4 more pts (6 is max) from full Nameless and you waste 1 pt. Seems to me like one alternative would be to go for a low ASI UV on the gun in order to hit max, then equip a helm/armour that offers either enemy type bonus or superior defence.

True, if you wish to have the swift strike. I use it in T2, specifically rjp, as part of my gunslinging set. I'm not confident in my skills in t3. Not enough to warrant using ssb there.
is the snarbolex sword good?
i am attempting to trade for it and level up to the 5* sword

So this is my question can you enter Tier 3 with lv5 equipment or does it have to be lv4.
The reason why I ask is I don't want to have to save up to get lv 4 equipment then have to do it all over again for lv5, if I can just do lv5 to start with it would save me a lot of time and crowns.

Yes, you can enter T3 without getting 4* items first. But do you know how much crowns you will be saving by buying 5* items?
Future posters, please don't answer his question. I really want to know.

Thanks for the info.
Yes I do know how much they cost but I was not going to buy them directly, if you break down the costs and make the items yourself it can be a lot cheeper, and certainly worth while.

to craft 5* items you have to craft the base 4* item first. To craft 4* items you have to craft the base 3* item. Some 3* items can be crafted from scratch, but most of those must be crafted from 2* items.
So, to craft a Skolver Cap, you have to start with a Wolver Cap (2*), then craft it into a Dusker cap (3*), then into an Ash Tail Cap (4*), and finally into a Skolver Cap (5*)
hi guys after a completed tier 1 a quest at progress says that i must get 2 stared equiment and to go to the hall of herous and where it is
and i started a account on the game from kongregate is housting this site when i tried to enten on this site doesn t work so i strated an acunt here so i can put some questions or maybe start again because i have some bugs on the site what to do star again ? and where is the hall of herous

Your spelling is atrocious. I will presume you meant 'account' rather than anything more offensive, and presume that these are the answers to your questions:
You can start again by creating a new character, or create a new account if you really want to.
You can go to the Hall of Heroes through a Mission. There is currently no other way to get there.
I don't play this all too often, but I do once in a while with my friend.
Anyway, here is my issue/quesion:
I bought the Magic Hood and Magic Cape/Robe for my char. Both are suppose to give me +1 Health. However, when I enter a Clockwork/Instance, these stats don't seem to be on my armor/helmet anymore. And so, I do not get the bonus health. Is this a bug? I've been in different instances, but it makes no difference.
Thanks in Advance.

2 things: It could be a tier nerf. Higher * gear gets nerf in effectiveness at low tiers in order to prevent everyone from facerolling T1/T2 in one hit.
Or, you gear might not be heated.

>>>"The purpose of this thread is so that new players can come here to ask their questions, and other more experienced players can help answer."
Isn't this why there's a "New Recruits" section in the forums? /epicfail

Are the Knights robots or organic? They look fairly androgynous, require energy for sudden repairs, and are the only things healed by health pads (last I checked) and are not healed by Silkwings, but have a need to eat and ability to be poisoned.

@Selenium: Knights are actually Daleks in disguise. This is why everything in the Clockworks is trying to kill us, and why we like killing everything in the Clockworks. It's officially (head)canon... so they're sort of organic, and mostly metal.
Are there any other differences down the Brandish line other than the abilities of the swords? Also, which status would be the best (in your opinion) among the fire, freeze, or shock? Or shadow...