Depth 25 FSC - 6 sprite run done using nothing but the defaulted starter set.
For those who don't know exactly what I use when doing a "Proto" run of content, here's what I use.
Spiral Sallet (0*)
Spiral Culet (0*)
Proto Sword (0*)
Proto Shield (0*)
Proto Gun (0*)
No Trinkets, No UVs, All Solo
D25 FSC in Proto (0*)
The source files put the run duration at about 42-43 minutes total. Several speedups (and slowdowns) are used to make the video short enough to be watchable and still leave the integrity of the run intact.
Gear is shown at the start of the video and upon finishing the 6th sprite room.
If anyone wants to see other things, the videos are on my YT channel
Other Proto Runs (With Upload Dates)
Twins Trailer -
Roarmulus Twins - November 16th
RJ Trailer -
Royal Jelly - November 22nd
RJ Sequel Trailer -
Royal Jelly Sequel - Jan 29th
Your soundtrack reminds me so much of Perfect Dark