Yes or no, with an explanation.
Gunners can answer, but I don't want a wolver clone's opinion because most wolver clones in this game think a buff to anything other than a sword automatically makes that weapon overpowered.
Yes or no, with an explanation.
Gunners can answer, but I don't want a wolver clone's opinion because most wolver clones in this game think a buff to anything other than a sword automatically makes that weapon overpowered.
The question is, would it be TOO awesome to be balanced?
Overpowered for a gun, maybe, but it would probably put it just in line with a sword. Guns currently sacrifice too much dps and mobility for the small amount of safety they provide.
What is your deal with Wolvers users? Using the best armor in the game doesn't make one's opinion irrelevant.
You know, the thousands of swordsmen that carry DA, GF, BTB, Polaris. They think a buff to anything that's not a sword or Polaris automatically makes the buffed weapon overpowered.
Remember the guys on Nick's thread who were against changing AP and Sentenza to pure elem/shadow? *cough* wolver clones *cough*
The larger any population gets, the more likely it is to have its share of idiots. That set of equipment happens to be popular because it combines the best equipment in the game. Most people choose their gear with the intention of actually being effective. Not everyone who uses that loadout is narrow-minded and unwilling to change.
I'm a "wolver clone" so you better close this thread.
Yea, a 3-shot alchemer would be nice since I have a magma driver. Would it be overpowered? Probably. I don't use my gun often, but it would shred turrets extremely fast to the point where I probably wouldn't have to dodge any bullets. I can already 1-shot turrets with the charge shot, and I don't think I'd have a reason to use the charge any more if I could unload 3 bullets before a reload.
The Wiki states that 2 normal shots do roughly the same as a single charge shot, so it sorta supports my statement that 3 shots would be too powerful.
As already said, discarding people opinion based on them wearing an optimal loadout is dumb. I am one of those people using mainly wolver line armors just because they are the best for swordsman (plus, Snarby is awesome <3). Does that makes my opinion unworthy ?
Anyway, for a time, I really wished I could have an elemental gun which is not pulsar and have 3 shots per clip. I don't really like the shoot-pause technique. I got used to it, the rare times I use my Nova Driver, but I would certainly like this change, as long as damage is slightly reduced to not become OP (or another small thing to compensate).
But to be honest, there are tons of items who deserve a buff more than alchemers *cough* troika *cough*
As much as i would love a 3 shot clip, I'm pretty sure that it would be OP. using the alchemer properly, with a 3shot clip, could equate to 6 hits per clip, and some good DPS. I'm imagining it right now, and the sheer amount of damage i could do... wow man. Just wow.
The main complaint about Polaris is that it is OP (and the nitronome effect, but thats more visual). 3 shots of intense damage to anything in a corner. Imagine that same damage without the knockback. Lumbers wouldn't stand a chance. Retrodes would be a joke. Gun puppies might be able to get one round off. Maybe. *quivers with pleasure*
So much fun. Like Fradow said though, there are other things that need a buff more than Alchemers. Shadowsun armor, for instance. Troika is another example. A 5* Winmillion. Shadow defense for bombers.
There is already heavy discussion as to the power levels of Polaris v. Alchemers. They are almost completely balanced (I will not speak to whether one is better than the other, I'm not an expert). Buffing one or the other is going to upset that balance. So, yes, it would be overpowered. Not compared to swords, but because there is already a fair power balance among the elemental guns.
Buffing any one weapon at this point, especially one which is so finely balanced with it's competitors already, is going to make it overpowered.
My question is why gunners and bombers (bombers less so) are always complaining about balance. Sure, there are a lot of idiots who only use swords and carry a Valiance for the 5% of the time that they can't get close. Does that inherently mean that gunners and bombers are underpowered? No, it means that they are unpopular. The two terms are not synonymous. I know gunners and bombers which compete very closely with swordsmen for damage, and are just as survivable or more, among other things. Ultimately, I think that the only balance issue between gunners, bombers and swordsmen lies in their armor damage/status resistances. If Nameless armor had fire resistance on it, it would be very well balanced with Vog Cub armor.
You can dismiss me as a "wolver clone" if you want, but I could play equally well in another armor set (namely, I'm working on a Nameless set and a Grey Feather set at the moment). Just because I own Wolver armor sets doesn't make me bad; I use it because it provides me with the most optimal bonuses for my unique playstyle.
This buff isn't necessary just because alchemers are fine where they are at now.
It's like suggesting Brandishes to going pure elemental / shadow - why? It is not a necessary buff.
"The Wiki states that 2 normal shots do roughly the same as a single charge shot, so it sorta supports my statement that 3 shots would be too powerful."
you can position the charge a little bit to the right or the left but still hitting the monster and you clip bullets with damage that is approx 4 normal alchemer shots, not 2.
"As already said, discarding people opinion based on them wearing an optimal loadout is dumb. I am one of those people using mainly wolver line armors just because they are the best for swordsman (plus, Snarby is awesome <3). Does that makes my opinion unworthy ?"
it depends Fradow, have you never ever used guns and only use swords and promote thar wolver and try and give people your opinions about guns you've never used?
Remember, a smart geared swordsman is different from a wolver clone.
If you are a wolver clone (which you are not, I have read your posts before it sounds like you have definately used guns) then yes, your opinion is literally not worthy.
with a 3shot clip, could equate to 6 hits per clip"
I think you typo'd perro :P
The main complaint about Polaris is that it is OP"
There has never been any logical complaint about Polaris being OP, what suggests this? It is the best swordsman sidearm and it is generally claimed by them to be the "best gun" and "OP" because their wolver clone minds are very simple (I bet it is them that confused you honest). Most gunners will take an alchemer over a Polaris in a heartbeat for most situations, but hate not having a Polaris around (because Polaris is awesome), just not necessarily OP.
Imagine that same damage without the knockback. Lumbers wouldn't stand a chance."
If there was no Polaris knockback, it wouldn't be better. people like the knockback and use Polaris for its purposes, and it is an entirely different gun than an alchemer. One is for survivability on every day monsters (Polaris) and one is much more ideal for DPSing every day monsters and AoE (alchemer).
"There is already heavy discussion as to the power levels of Polaris v. Alchemers. They are almost completely balanced (I will not speak to whether one is better than the other, I'm not an expert). Buffing one or the other is going to upset that balance. So, yes, it would be overpowered. Not compared to swords, but because there is already a fair power balance among the elemental guns.
Yeah, that
"Just because I own Wolver armor sets doesn't make me bad; I use it because it provides me with the most optimal bonuses for my unique playstyle."
Yeah, you aren't a wolver clone in wolver armor. A wolver clone thinks swords are the way to go and nothing else. And they shove their opinions where they are not wanted. You don't do that, you are a smart geared swordsman - completely different.
Alchemers are not fine where they are now. No guns are, if using guns as primary weapons is meant to as good or even comparable to using swords as a playstyle. Guns are pitifully weak and the biggest advantages they offer are easily absorbed into the standard Wolver set simply by adding a Polaris to the mix of swords. The only gun that hits even remotely as hard as a sword leaves you way more vulnerable than any sword does. It's certainly viable to be a gunner or a bomber but to say that there aren't huge balance issues between the different types of weapons is delusional. Swordies wearing Wolver Armor dominate both PvE and PvP. You simply can't compete with them in terms of overall utility, mobility, and damage, and they're not even sacrificing any defenses to get to where they are. If you want to be optimal - the three parameters for this are damage, survivability, and utility - you get the three Wolver sets and some variant of the Sealed Sword/Brandish/Flourish lines. That's your only real option. People aren't dumb for choosing this option; there are merely dumb people that choose this option.
Carthiah said "My question is why gunners and bombers (bombers less so) are always complaining about balance. Sure, there are a lot of idiots who only use swords and carry a Valiance for the 5% of the time that they can't get close. Does that inherently mean that gunners and bombers are underpowered? No, it means that they are unpopular. The two terms are not synonymous. I know gunners and bombers which compete very closely with swordsmen for damage, and are just as survivable or more, among other things. Ultimately, I think that the only balance issue between gunners, bombers and swordsmen lies in their armor damage/status resistances. If Nameless armor had fire resistance on it, it would be very well balanced with Vog Cub armor."
This is a lie. Most guns do less than half the damage of a sword and don't have the ability to hit multiple targets with every swing. There is simply no way to match a sword for damage. There isn't much difference in overall survivability since the range advantage is pretty much negated by the lower movement speed and the plethora of monsters that charge you in T3.
@ Otaia
Don't forget that swords also can be as defensive, if not more so sometimes, than guns, simply because they can knock enemies down, interrupt their attacks, and push them away. Most guns don't do that, or at least not consistently. People argue that the tradeoff for guns is that they sacrifice damage to be more defensive/add to survivability. As it stands, it feels like guns sacrifice an enormous amount of damage for a negligible amount of survivability.
You can always wait a second between each shot and basically end up with an unlimited-clip-size gun.
So long they slightly alter the base speed, you can give the alchemer all the shots you want and call it balanced.
Everything you say is not quite valid yet. To prove everything you said to be a logical observation:
You must now list every piece of gear you use for your gunning set. You need to tell us the exact damage bonuses, attack speed increase, UVs, guns, all of that. If possible, something that indicates your experience with guns.
Until then, it is hard to see if you are actually arguing or possibly trolling trying to make yourself sound like a wolver clone or something just for fun.
Go. Start thee list.
I just crafted my Vog Cap and Skolver Coat because my first set was the Armor of the Fallen. Wolver clones aren't idiots for using the BEST armor for swords, and as bad as it sounds that isn't argueable the wolver set just is best with swords so don't call people wolver clones for using the best items and gun combo.
No I don't use a polaris. Im not a wolver clone, and I have multiple role filling characters. A full fledged swordsman, pure bomber, and an up and coming gunslinger. To answer you yes it would be overpowered within the gun balance. With 3 shots you would absolutely destroy in DPS with clumped mobs and richochet. It would be very hard to compare the polaris with them.
Personally I would say gunners and bombers are a little underpowered compared to swordsmen in addition to being unpopular. I use pure mad bomber and a lot of the time I wish my bombs did more damage when im not in a party. Is use Nitronome, RSS, and Freezing Atomizer soon to be Shivermist. You can do a lot of damage with the RSS but it is a shame it doesnt have a 5 star variant.
Gunslinger wise I often find myself doing less DPS than my swordsman, but the safety is usually an equal tradeoff. I wish gunslingers had more options for good armor, for the Shadowsun is ok but low damage for 2 maximum weaknesses is a little much. Nameless just needs an unusual resistance to be just as good as vog.
Smart swordsmen: people who primarily use swords but accept different playstyles and weapons
Wolver clones: people who think "swords or gtfo" and diss gunners and bombers
sorry if I offended anyone in my previous posts
I honestly think the clip is pretty balanced. In clockworks they allow you to solo anything if you have the right alchemer.
From a PvP perspective, it's not the clip size that's the issue. It's mostly still getting hit by HIGH ASI strikers before the first bullet goes off. They seem to damage you before they're done with their striker dash (regardless of weapon - GF/DA only really does this with MAX ASI). Sometimes it makes your bullets disappear mid flight. And since 90% of all LD maps have huge space below the point, they can usually end up taking advantage of the camera angle and kill you regardless of your reaction time. So clip size really wouldn't matter.
Sorry if I sound a little biased.
"you can position the charge a little bit to the right or the left but still hitting the monster and you clip bullets with damage that is approx 4 normal alchemer shots, not 2."
you can do the same with regular shots. They each bounce off a single ricochet which would equal 4 "shots" per clip. I have the gun, and I know how to use it, but counting ricochets is pointless. Either you assume they all hit, or they all miss and it gives the same results. You can't assume that the charge shots ricochet's ricochet will hit since it is highly unlikely.
@The-Rawrcake I have no idea what my equipment has to do with swords being much better than guns. Have you tried using a sword? My Nova Driver does ~250 damage at the bottom of S6 with +4 damage. A Brandish does almost 300 without any damage bonuses, hits faster without any speed bonuses than my Nova with +4 speed, carries a status, and isn't completely useless on monsters resistant to Elemental.
@Blueflood I'd rather just see a straight damage buff to most guns. It takes forever to break through a Guardian shield with a gun. I don't have very high latency so I don't have as much of a problem with strikers but it's still much harder to land the 5-6 hits it takes to kill a Striker with 2xHealth trinkets than it is for them to kill me in 2-3 hits.
Rawr doesn't want you to compare guns to swords, Otaia. Even if you point out the advantages of guns and how they pale alongside the advantages of swords and swordsmen equipment. Prepare to have half your post ignored by him/her and called a wolver clone. Since only wolvers are jerks that shove their opinion of "omfg y u no use op swords".
Brb, off to call every gunner I meet selfish elitist jerks who only brags about the size of their health bars compared to everyone else. Are you a gunner clone?
See what I did there?
Uv's do not indicate experience. Neither does equipment. Knowing how to use guns without any bonus from anything is experience. Which sword/gun or bomb/gun hybrid uses gunslinger armour or trinks, if they only got one gun? Will you call them inexperienced?
On-topic: Yes, it would make alchemers more powerful. Considering that each alchemer shot has potential for ricochets, every extra bullet in a clip equates to 2 or more individual bullets.
with a 3shot clip, could equate to 6 hits per clip"
I think you typo'd perro :P
(nope, i was referring to the placement of the bullets. I may not have explained properly though... basically with two shots you can hit enemies with 2 shots and 2 riccochets. With 3 it's 6, so ridiculously OP... another 350 dmg per reload approx )
The main complaint about Polaris is that it is OP"
There has never been any logical complaint about Polaris being OP, what suggests this? It is the best swordsman sidearm and it is generally claimed by them to be the "best gun" and "OP" because their wolver clone minds are very simple (I bet it is them that confused you honest). Most gunners will take an alchemer over a Polaris in a heartbeat for most situations, but hate not having a Polaris around (because Polaris is awesome), just not necessarily OP.
(never said it was a logical complaint, just that it is the main complaint I hear. Lockdown people hate Polaris, and absolutely best swordie sidearm IMO, and I don't believe it to be OP. I concur completely with your assesment of balance between Polaris and alchemers. Also, as a gunner with ALL the alchemers, you are correct in my choice. Only place I bring Polaris is FSC when doing a no shiver vana run.)
Imagine that same damage without the knockback. Lumbers wouldn't stand a chance."
If there was no Polaris knockback, it wouldn't be better. people like the knockback and use Polaris for its purposes, and it is an entirely different gun than an alchemer. One is for survivability on every day monsters (Polaris) and one is much more ideal for DPSing every day monsters and AoE (alchemer).
(I'm referring to the main use of the Polaris, which is being spammed. It hits everything and knocks it around. Very few people i have encountered use the triangle technic with Polaris, and very few people shield bump baddies into corners for max damage from Polaris shots. I concur that Polaris knockback is a key part of its use, just like the split bullets are a key part of alchemers use. Imagine being able to do Polaris type damage to everythign without worrying about bullet placement, is what i was getting at. Not sure if you will follow what im saying, I'm obscenely tired, and currently at work. Not a good combo for brain to sort out a discussion)
@Otaia I didn't say that guns can out-damage swords on a combo-to-combo basis. What I said is that gunners and bombers compete with me heavily for overall damage. A gunner who looses two Nova shots into a crowd and hits half a dozen enemies with each shot, hitting about 12 times for ~250 damage, is going to out-damage any swordsman using a brandish who is comboing for three hits of ~400 each. The only time I consistently out-damage gunners is when I have a Vortexing bomber with me, in which case I can hit ~5 enemies with each swing. On the other hand, my gunner friends can also hit a similar number of enemies with each Polaris bullet, so the difference, while consistent, is still not massive.
Sure, if I stand against one enemy (or, optimally, three) in a corner and wail on the enemies with a gunner trying to do the same, I'll out-damage him every time. This is not the case. Gunners have the blessing of being able to fire almost continuously, without stopping, for an entire fight. Swordsmen have to attack, block attacks much more frequently, run around to the back of enemies, and chase down enemies which run away. Gunners have a much more constant stream of damage. Each of their shots does less damage, yes. They do less damage per clip. Over a long period of time, however, due to the fact that swordsmen have to run directly up to every enemy they want to hit, the damage-per-minute ratings of swordsmen and gunners are much closer than you'd think.
I also mentioned that there are different advantages to being a swordsmen or a gunner. Gunners get survivability, everyone knows that. Swordsmen, on the other hand, get burst damage. A swordsman can take down a mender or a silkwing in very, very little time, whereas gunners (especially so with menders, because they can self heal) take a longer time to do so. Gunners have lower single-targed dps. They always have. That does not mean that they contribute less damage as a whole against a group of enemies.
I don't have much more to say on this; There are dozens of balance threads out there. A lot of people get caught on the fact that gunners do less damage per bullet and can't see the big picture. Some gunners who feel the need to actually defend their playstyle, though, look past that and see that they hit just as many targets, and more often, than swordsmen.
EDIT: I make no mention of pvp, because yes, pvp is broken. Utterly and completely broken. Grab some skolver and a toothpick and you win.
@The-Rawrcake Thanks for being a smart gunner and defending the balance debate in my absence, bro. Haha
I don't think the alchemers are as inferior to the brandish's as you claim. Yea, swords are superior for straight up combat in most situations, but guns are incredibly useful and so are bombs. Considering how the game was designed, I believe that OOO intended for swords to be the primary weapon. If guns put out as much damage as swords, then swords would be completely useless. LD is a different story, but there is no reason to break the main game just to make LD gunners happy (granted, I've been trashed by a good LD gunner).
With a brandish, you'll be hitting 1 (and maybe 2, but very rarely 3) monster at a time. Each swing does 292 to construct/undead at the bottom of T6 and can inflict fire only if charged.
A magma driver can inflict fire and does 169 damage per hit, and each bullet has 2 ricochets and has a good chance of causing fire. So, against a single monster you can easily get 338 damage per shot (we'll assume the first ricochet hits, and the second flies off somewhere else) and will probably inflict fire status. So, you trade a bit of attack speed for safety if you are only facing 1 monster at a time. When it comes to lumbers, I'll take my Magma driver over a Combuster if I'm at all concerned about health. With 2 or more monsters the comparison isn't so straight forward but the alchemers can still put up a lot of damage. But if I have a ton of monsters, I'm switching to my Voltaic Tempest anyways since that'll do more damage the more monsters there are.
As for split damage vs straight damage, I'd take pure elemental over split any day (assuming the neutral attack power stays the same). I carry multiple weapons so I rarely use my combuster on beasts or gremlins (mostly if I jump into a party unprepared). I already carry 1 sword of each special type, and if I really cared about guns, then I'd carry a gun of each special type.
I already addressed that issue with safety. Yes, if I only use my Magma Driver in a level vs. someone of equal skill only using Combuster, chances are, I'll take a little bit less damage, but if the person with a Combuster has a Polaris for taking out turrets and occasionally getting out of bad situations, that already small advantage goes away. In a full, balanced loadout, there isn't much use for Alchemers.
Some of the gunners on this forum always talk about clipping Alchemer shots to get double damage but the notion that this greatly increases the power of the Alchemer is ridiculous. First of all, you have to be perfectly lined up with the monster at the right angle to get this to work. Then, the shot needs to bounce in the right direction (this is pretty lenient). If you are doing simple content with really slow and large monsters, you can maybe pull this off 25-30% of the time. When doing any content that's actually challenging, against monsters that are fast, forget it. It's way more important to aim well enough to hit the monster at all. It'll only happen by accident maybe 5-10% of the time. When you're fighting monsters in a cluster, you can often get multiple bounces off, but in that case, a Brandish can also hit 2-3 at a time, and a heavy sword will hit even more, so that doesn't really mean much.
LD just exemplifies the problems that already exist in the PvE game. The problems that gunners face in the Clockworks mostly involve not being able to do much damage and decreased survivability against monsters that move quickly and charge. These problems exist to an even greater degree in LD and can be fixed or mitigated with the same changes.
I realize the design of the game is intended to make swords the weapon of choice for most players and I'm totally fine with swords doing more damage and guns being more useful for mobility and survivability. But I think using alternative setups should also be somewhat competitive, to increase diversity in setups. The current balance of the game is so skewed towards Wolver-wearing swordies that almost everyone uses the same build. I'm a gunner simply because I enjoy using guns, not because it offers any advantages whatsoever.
If it's a gun and OP, i'd love to see that. At best it would be in par with the generic wolver set. Can't think of lockdown having tons of people with just alchemers running around, the DPS would not increase too much
"Rawr doesn't want you to compare guns to swords, Otaia. Even if you point out the advantages of guns and how they pale alongside the advantages of swords and swordsmen equipment. Prepare to have half your post ignored by him/her and called a wolver clone. Since only wolvers are jerks that shove their opinion of "omfg y u no use op swords".
Brb, off to call every gunner I meet selfish elitist jerks who only brags about the size of their health bars compared to everyone else. Are you a gunner clone?
See what I did there?"
I explained when I asked you if you were a wolver clone eventually after you first took offense what the actual meaning of a wolver clone is. You can wear wolver armor and not be a wolver clone.
Stop being so sensitive. I never intended to hurt your feelers, and if I did I am sorry. Fishing for attacks is more childish than me posting something that hinted negativity towards you, even though it might not have. Cut it.
Its not me being sensitive. Its you calling one group of people by a generlization that is both untrue and crude. Its akin to calling every black person a good for nothing, because you saw another black person being a beggar.
Calling bad players out, go ahead. I don't like them either. But you want to use a playstyle to group them in? Call them idiots, or mentally challenged. There is no point in attributing a whole armour line to those players, and thus giving said armour line a negative connotation.
Besides, are wolver wearing players the only opinionated jerks in this game? Or is there some taboo against calling out people being jerks the same way, but wearing different armour?
Tl;dr Jerks are jerks. Jerks wearing wolver are jerks. By asking/calling people wolver clones, the assumption is that one dslikes wolvers. If you don't want that mixed up, call them something else.
Stop complaining about Wolver Clones! It's implied who he meant by Wolver clone, so stop tearing apart the name and just discuss Alchemers!
As for the actual thread, I completely agree with giving them another shot. Personally, I HATE two shot weapons, and the rhythm just feels awkward IMO. I feel that one shot, pause, one shot, pause doesn't take advantage of the Gunslinger armor ASI buff that much (It does, but it's hard to get used to using it to the fullest). There aren't that many guns that have more than two shots, and most of those I find more enjoyable than the Alchemer.
But, going on a tangetially related point, the main reason I dont like the Alchemers is not the two shot nature, but it just doesnt feel like it does damage. You have guns like the Callahan where a shot feels like Zeus punching you in the face, or the Blitz Needle which has brilliant golden streaks turning dozens of Zombies into dust, which FEEL satisfying. I dont care how underpowered guns are, as long as they FEEL powerful, then people will wuve em. The Alchemers dont feel powerful! It feels like you are shooting spitballs at the enemy, occasionally watching them spontaneously burst into flame, freeze in place, or get shocked. I would prefer that they fix the hitbox issue (anyone who has used an Alchemer knows what I'm talking about) and then add some satisfying effect/sound on contact with the enemy to at least make it feel more like a Grenade Launcher than shooting spitballs through a straw.
yes it would be VERY OP, considering that the bullets split into amillion pieces... unless only put on the 2* alchemers because face it... THEY SUCK TO START OUT XD..
"The Alchemers dont feel powerful! It feels like you are shooting spitballs at the enemy, occasionally watching them spontaneously burst into flame, freeze in place, or get shocked. I would prefer that they fix the hitbox issue (anyone who has used an Alchemer knows what I'm talking about) and then add some satisfying effect/sound on contact with the enemy to at least make it feel more like a Grenade Launcher than shooting spitballs through a straw."
Have you used split bullets and ricochet to your advantage? As well as double clipping single enemies / one shotting things with the charged shot?
There are many cool things you can do with an Alchemer, it just takes the right version of it (5 star) and practice. No third bullet necessary in my opinions that is.
I think if an alcemer were to be three shots it would be awesome because the may be slow but having three shot would be better because then you can shoot more before reload