Just for one day?
Just for one day?
bleh that makes it less of a challenge because we would have love puppys in the fsc or arenas and we would never kill them but i do like the idea :D
Suggestions forums.
Anyway, the thought is nice, REALLY nice, but it'd make the game way too easy.
But it's just for one day. I don't really see a problem here.
Every spawn a love puppy? /no
Double/triple/quadruple the minuscule chance of them appearing? /yes
Tbh, me neither really, but I just thought I'd throw in the thought that you'd have trouble dying in anywhere with gunpuppies.
Imagine the Gunpuppy arena Oo
For Valentine's Day, we will have to destroy countless members of the only Clockworks creatures that show us affection in order to proceed? D=
I would find it great if they make RT into Love Puppies.
So I'd be looking forward to the Super Cute Love Room formerly known as the Gunpuppy Danger Room.
In fact,love puppy can spawn insted of ANY turret
Cheezing the game for one day sounds like a fun event. Just make sure that SL are left unchanged. Don't want people blowing through that. Also, make sure that no trinkets drop that day.
Though maybe amping the True Love's drop rate that day might be interesting too. We'd all be the puppies valentine. :p
I love it how instead of making one day fun, some people say. 'NO! It takes all the challenge out of the game!' Do a Shadow Lair run if your idea of fun is getting [skewered] by flaming spikes that poison and electrocute you at the same time. Some of us like pleasant diversions that make us smile.
This I would like to see, but then I'll probably feel bad for having to kill a lot of Love Puppies especially in one day :P
Dude, simmer down. I wasn't hardcore against it, I was just voicing an objective opinion, harshness not included.
And I'd LOVE to do a shadow lair, but I can't afford it. Not yet anyway.
And if you read my second comment, you'd have noticed that I said that I didn't have anything else against it other than making it hard to die in any area with gunpuppies.
Honestly, so long as nobody minds how easy it'll make the clockworks, I'm fine with it. I actually expected the opinion I put forward to have been expressed by someone other than me with a more firm standpoint, so I did it before they could (seems that person is non-existent) with a softer post.
I'm not even that skilled a player, so finding a challenge is hardly an issue.
I'm not upset, just flippant, but yeah, the whole point of a love puppy swarm would be to have fun and remove the challenge. Seeing what Three Rings have done to remove Love Puppy farming, i don't see it as a problem.
Hell that' a great idea in itself, like how they did in pokemon, there should be certain days when rare monsters or a certain monster/type swarm the clockworks so they appear in greater frequency or in all stratas.
"Hell that' a great idea in itself, like how they did in pokemon, there should be certain days when rare monsters or a certain monster/type swarm the clockworks so they appear in greater frequency or in all stratas."
Oo That happens in Pokemon?
Once again, Juances = Genius.
"I mean players are spending time in the game instead of their significant others. Give them a reward."
Give them punishment. All rocket puppys. Pew pew.
If this happens, I'll be farming arenas like crazy. Last stage would be a breeze, and I really want to see what the chances for a trinket is. Math time!
That would be awesome
except that battling firestorm would be way to easy then.
(red rovers turn into loviees)
Never played Gold and Silver? You have certain pokemon that swarmed. Had to get a certain phone numbers though.
*Cough Cough* Expect a love aura *hint hint*
You heard/saw NOTHING!
er,what is a gun puppy.Weapon or monster.
I want to see this. I honestly do. And then couples around the world can play SK for just one day to have hearts fly at 'em.
P.S. Now I know why people tell me to "get a room!" (referring to the gun puppy danger room)
I have a different but somewhat similar idea. See, the other day, I met this Knight named Bechamel. Very interesting chap, a bit... flamboyant in dress, owns an interesting little shop in the corner of a Haven Bazaar. Anyways, this Bechamel happened to have something of particular interest close at hand, in a small pouch specifically. Something I've seen no other Knights with as of yet (well, besides those other 78+ other Bechamels...). See what I'm getting at?
I wanna see the Roarmulus Twins turn into love puppies... :D
They come up, love puppy skin, then laser you in the face. :)
I see devs trollin... I'm hatin... XD
Considering how heart pendents aren't worth a lick these days, I think it would be nice.
I mean players are spending time in the game instead of their significant others. Give them a reward.