I recently paid a player, whose name I will reveal once I have the means of revenge, the sum of 13,000 crowns and 100 ce to craft me and Ash Tail Coat. This player then proceeded to go to the alchemy booth and then log off, and I am without a coat. What do I do????
I've been duped! Help!
I'm in a guild, none of them could help me, but anyways, like I said, I was skeptical, I should have just run away. but the thought of getting what I had been searching for got in the way. Thanks for letting me know how to get in touch with someone though.
Hi, you do know that you have to level a dusker coat level 5 right ? And actually the alchemy cost for crafting a 4* piece is 50+100+200ce and 400+100+2500 crowns, or 200ce and 2500 cr if you already have a 3* one ready XD ( saying this for the other players who would happen to read this ). I'm sorry for you but next time try to ask someone who is known in the game ( they post a lot in "The Bazaar" ).
This is why we do not rely on people to craft our things unless you know them.

What happens when the people you know can't craft what you want? Do you buy the recipe instead? That thing is pretty pricy.
I am not suggesting that what he did was smart, it was stupid, but I can understand why he got ''desperate''.
Report to the GMs. Knights don't steal from each other :(.
Obviously this was a gremlin in disguise... how it got to the surface though is a mystery.
You ask them to craft the item first, then you trade your crowns and CE for the item. If they refuse, you shouldn't make the trade. It's really quite simple.
Furthermore you should report them for scamming as soon as this happens, but don't expect to get your traded goods back. Basically, don't buy promises.
A) Pass him half the crowns, and say 'I'll pass you the rest when you have craft it'. After he has craft it, you can then pass the other half.
*This will at least reduce the cost of lost by half and this will show that you actually do trust the player to a certain extent in business
B) If the person disconnect, make sure he returns online within 5 minute. If not, add him as friend or you could contact members of the same guild.
*/1 will definitely help a lot and being patient is another key point.
C) If you intend to not do A nor B, remember to keep your name short and simple, such that it is easier for others to remember. Especially when the other party disconnects and you have problem remember the other parties name.
*as seen from above you weren't sure how his name is being spelt.
D) If all else doesn't fit your taste, DON'T ever do a trade if your have the feeling that it's a Scammer BECAUSE there are many various other players out whom can provide the same service.
*Don't try to be smart to scammers, the world have a number of nasty people and not everyone is always good.
I wrote this a while back, in another thread. It'll help you in future prevention ONLY
Shameless plug!
For all your non-scamming crafting needs.
So you paid them 13k and 100 CE to cover the mats and cost of a Wolver, Dusker, and ash tail coat. combined that 350 CE and 3900 crowns , plus some energy to lvl the dusker to 5 so even at a lvl per depth 50 more energy. How did you not see the scam coming? The difference in energy alone, 300, at the current market price is around 11400. So you didn't even cover the alchemy costs let alone the mats. I can understand that getting scammed sucks, but understanding the crafting system would have made this an obvious scam IMO.
use the ingame support to tell a GM. and be smart next time. join a guild and ask guildies to craft for you. Caveat emptor...