Seems that players are more obsessed with getting to Basil than they are with the actual stratum romp when they already have all the equipment they want. I don't get it.
Why shop at Basil if you already have full 5* items and aren't looking for other loadouts?

So spend it on CE instead? That's a better investment. I have 36k and climbing (with another 50k on the way soon).

Maybe... Buying and reselling recipes for profit? Getting recipes for guildies/friends?

I've never understood only going to basil. Even if you are trying to turn a profit on the AH, it isn't worth it to go to basil only and stop, since you can make more CR with no/little risk by continuing on and going to the core. Besides, you can still buy from basil while on your way to the core and make a lot more CR.
I have all the 5* gear I need (technically), but I still buy a ton of recipes. I keep some, give some to my brother, and sell the rest on the AH or to whoever needs them.

You can buy a recipe for resale to other players (on the Auction House or otherwise). This makes you a bunch of money, sometimes quickly. A player who does this frequently, gets decently lucky at Basil, and knows the ideal prices and timing on the market, can make much more money than a player who collects crowns merely by playing. With these crowns they can acquire stuff, or CE, or more crowns.
Now, if you're asking why many players seem more concerned with collecting stuff than with actually playing the game, I'm not sure what the answer is. Part of it is that new content doesn't arrive fast enough. Part of it is that people like the sensation of making progress, and in this "RPG" progress comes through collecting equipment and recipes only.

You got something against my collection of 209 recipes?

Yes, I'm a snobby [jerk] who likes to dictate how others play.

Reason for Basil is simple: profit. Now, i'm not certain why people will STOP at Basil, but I make sure that when i pass Basil, i can grab a resaleable item or two , because hey 20-50% profit margins are a good thing. Considering how little effort is actually involved in making (on a 5* recipe) 5k cr, I don't see any reason not to do it.

I'll be doin Basil runs to round out my recipes. I'm not paying 45k for a recipe when I can just clear the run and make a little heat and money doing so. Also, full 5* gear doesn't really matter when there's plenty of other gear to build.

Pre-Basil levels:
Not much crowns, so we can just run right through them fast if we like.
Post-Basil levels:
Quite a few crowns, about 10 cents worth, but we have to slog through & kill.
** Crafting with the mist used for to go down is better for crowns than even these levels.
A bit more in S4 & 6 if soloing due to materials - beast stratums I usually continue down.
I don't like arenas or grinding boss levels so those I'd need to be paid to do.
On a bad day, often as many crowns as the Post-Basil levels - in seconds instead of 20-40 minutes.
On a good day, his recipes earn me 10x more in profits than continuing to play would.
If I continue past Basil, it's usually because I feel like playing a danger room or want to collect materials/enjoy Clockworks slaughter. Going for money would always mean hitting the elevator up & visiting Basil again.

Playing the auction house with recipes is probably going to lose some of its worth once the Mission System goes live, since it'll introduce easier ways for players to get to Basil (as well as specific ways to get him to have the recipes they want), as well as other ways to earn crowns/materials/other rewards.

Wait, missions allow you to get to basil faster and easier? With ways to farm up the recipes you want?
They'd rather waste their crowns on OOO rather than give it to other random players?