Showing the full supply depot from the mission menu will open up the thing, but at the top it'll say "HEADER GOES HERE."
Time to Get Crafty & all the Prestige missions have no briefing flavor text. A shame.
Trying to join a mission party will give you an error message. Whether it's because there are no open parties, or the mechanic is broken I cannot be sure.
In Alien Ooze, you can see the shadowfire under the meteorite (you know, the one you use to makeit set you on fire) if the path generated lets you peek under the meteorites platform. Also, did you know that freshly landed meteorites are actually not hot? If anything, it would be cool to the touch.
Game locks up for a little bit at the end of White Collar Captive, though *maybe* that has something to do with how I was capped in prestige.
You can do the Snarby mission over and over to skip all the leadup to it w/o having to get a boost from someone. I dunno if that's intended or not. If it is, we'll hear less whining about fiend S5's on the Vana gate, which is a plus.
The Supply Delivery missions didn't seem to need any work done by me past buying the things and taking the mission. That's kinda lazy, guys. At least w/ the material ones, they're acting as a badly needed material sink. Do we really need such a petty crown sink too?
Might want to eliminate all traces of the old way to do Snarbolax, or at the very least make the recon module not be there in the 'Works and only on missions. It's just kinda weird/poor design having already done everything in the mission and have the artefact, but don't get credit because you did it a different way.
Guess that's it. My feedback is probably identical to many others. Oh well.
Time Enough At Last: The subtitle for the level isn't being called properly, or just doesn't exist. I dunno. I'd guess it's suppoed to be called the "Eternal Study" from the label that is supplied. The knights name is behind the speech bubble when you talk to him too. Also, you totally shoulda had us bring him a pair of glasses, or the guy crying over a set of broken ones. Lul, Twilight Zone.
The ability to sort the depot would be appreciated.
Lol at a Prestige mission requiring a zee core. Bet it's possible to get GM gear and magikat hats too. Also had one the other day that needed a Pulsar but wasn't gonna mention it. Since we're on the subject though, I really hope you're not gonna have us turn in token items on release. Might want to work on a list of items that shouldn't appear for those missions either way.
Autotarget targets your NPC allies. I don't want to attack my allies. Allies also have mech sounds still. Really hoping they sound different on release.
At the third stage of High Temperature Hostages, the game seized up and wouldn't do anything. It was like I disconnected, but then after running around a bit, I swung my sword and randomly took elemental damage. That leads me to suspect the client desynched with the server, and I had managed to hit an explosive block out of sheer luck. Killing the SK client and trying to reconnect resulted in the game hanging at 0% loading. Second try, the last gate wouldn't lower, though I did everything. Mighta been due to me freeing the last two knights in the same swing. Third try, desynch happened again. I think it may have something to do with having all the knights freed while enemies are about, or maybe an issue with them teleing. Fourth time, desynch again, and I'm pretty sure it's an issue with teleing now, since it locked up when I was running away from them (to the still locked gate). Though I did find a laser turret (the one is one of the Sky Island tilesets) this time, which was neat. Fith time, tried to run with another player. Same thing happened again. Sixth time, nothing has changed. Game broke again.
After six tries, I am done. I'm sick of trying to get this to work. I'll need to be skipped ahead by a GM if you'd like me to continue testing. A shame. I kinda wanted to try all the 7-x missions.
EDIT: Aha! I see what's wrong! It's whatever enemy you send to kill the player after they've freed the captives. That enemy is severely breaking the level. Managed to get by it by standing still and letting the captives hopefully kill the thing (which I guess they did; I couldn't even see them doing anything). Gate lowered, continued on. Now I'm gonna press on. I'll write in any more bugs from this batch to this post.