I mean spiral knights is suppose to be a team game, but every once in awhile, whenever I play as a 4* character the teammate usually never helps revive us. I usually go out of my way with my main. It is always the guy with some shadow lair gear. Whenever I play with my main account, I usually always pick the 4* tier guys up. Two of us were dead(we did not even die a lot, I had to part some of my health) during the trojan duo at d24, and this guy in a snarby coat was dancing around the trojans with mostly full health dealing a couple of hits, until one of our members left after pleading with the guy to revive. Then the guy died, and he called me a noob and was ranting about it not being a privilege(I'm pretty sure he got that mixed up with rights. And then revives and ends up going solo like some punk kids have been doing, and also puts me on ignore. Not like I need help from people like that, since damage will scale down and there will be plenty of pills, timing & maneuvering, a little more predictability with enemies etc, but I had to revive on my own and am going through d25 and onward now. But, really seriously? This is a freaking team game, he shouldn't let irrelevant politics come into play. Just go solo if he wants the right to help himself.
And it's not only this type of person I run into. It's usually the guys that feel discouraged about playing with a 4* tier or whatever. And I am usually not that under-equipped when I have my elite trushot trinkets or freezing bomb.
Now, if it was your first death and he refuses to revive you, then yeah that's bad manners.
However, when my teammates have all died several times in one depth I stop reviving them, at least until the room's clear or I have enough spare health. My HOPE is that they will take the hint and stop dying so much.