ive recently made a blast bomb and ive been reading on the wiki how all variants of the blast bomb besides the nitro pretty much suck.
Is this true?
i mean is there really a difference between an irontech destroyer and a big angry bomb or nitronome?
Blast bomb variants - Are they really that bad?
HUGE difference, the wiki is correct in what it says.
Irontech and BAB are basically reskinned Nitronomes that function way worse.
Irontech and BAB are basically nitros with a smaller radius, longer fuse, and for the BAB a movement speed decrease when charging.
Demonic You're taking about the Heavy Decon or the ISB. The Heavy Decon has the bonus against constructs and the ISB has the shock.
Irontech Destroyer has much higher knock back than that of Nitro, as well as a bit of extra damage. In comparison, Irontech can really push around Lumbars while Nitro only punts them. Trust me, I know; I have the bomb in my arsenal (Have my reasons for getting it after doing the research). in all honesty, the bomb wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for all of its flaw compounding it. One alone would be fine, but all three make it a bit unweildy in most situations; of the two, I find the fuse and walk charge the most troublesome. The radius I actually like; packs a punch in a smaller radius, making it less team disruptive in terms of flash. Either add something to do the bomb to make it more its explosion more lasting in a manner, or simply tweak the walk speed (And maybe the fuse), and the bomb is fine.
As for BAB, I recall hearing that it's supposed to have the highest damage blast than the rest of the variants, but it's slow nature and smaller radius makes it apparently terrible for DPS. To be fair, given its size, the bomb should have a bigger radius, higher damage than Nitro while still retaining the slower fuse and charge times characteristics; that way, at the very least, SK would have something the equivalent of a tactical nuke.
I have a heavy deconstructor with a construct med UV on it. That bomb needs serious buffing.
Irontech is a blast bomb w chance on shock and bonus construct damage? Bonus vs family is usually undesirable, because the weapon itself would have a low max damage against every target, when the nitro will have a higher max.
The Bab is undesirable for the movement speed decrease, the longer charge/fuse time, and the general hassle of all those combined. The damage bonus seems to be low, or so others say.