Calling all Spiral Knights!
I think the time has come that Three Rings helps out us not so financially previllaged players with an energy sale.
Just to equalize the competition a bit. I mean those of us without the right gear get owned out there A LOT!!
So to make things more fun for players, I request this sale. If you are in agreement, please post your vote below :)
Your knight in shining armour,
Well, the explorer pack was an attempt at like an 80% off sale.
Without going into the particulars i would simply warn you; a one day 1/2 off energy sale would actually hurt poor players in the long run (long running meaning within a week). Rich players would be able to capitalize on lowered prices most heavily, thus taking an even bigger piece of both the CE and the Crown pie chart.
Just think, say you scrape by and now you can buy 200 ce for 6k. YOU SAVED 6k cr!!!
Now every super rich guy buys 200k ce. They saved 6million crowns.
I hope you can see how ultimately (like in even just a few days) it will only further many of the causes that make ce too expensive for new players.