You have a lot of members, something of which Hoosonova agreed on.
That kind of earns you the title, sorry. Rather you recruited a lot in beta or now doesn't make much of a difference to people
You have a lot of members, something of which Hoosonova agreed on.
That kind of earns you the title, sorry. Rather you recruited a lot in beta or now doesn't make much of a difference to people
" Oh almost forgot most importantly DJ whatever....: No I did not mean mentally, though with your statement about what I said on ebonics being racist, I can see why you would stay away from joining a guild if it did. And I hope you don't associate ebonics with being black because....well....that would be racist. "
> Open your mouth, insert your foot.
Ebonics (a portmanteau of “ebony” and “phonics”) is a term that was originally intended to refer to the language of all people descended from enslaved Black Africans, particularly in West Africa, the Caribbean, and North America. Over time, and especially since 1996, it has been used more often to refer to African American Vernacular English (distinctively nonstandard Black United States English), asserting the independence of this from (standard) English.
So nothing to do with black people. Whatsoever. Riiiiigght. Being a proud black male, you should know better.
" and biznatch isn't even really considered ebonics. "
> You were the one to suggest it was in the first place. Me calling it racist -- thats called a joke. But I know you burn out all of the massive intellect of yours running "elite" guilds and watching anime, so no need to apologize.
" I just wanted you to realize it's stupid and if any of, I'm sorry if your "black friend" is using it tell him it's not cool, and the rest of us african americans do not think it's funny that he's teaching you silly words. "
> Its a joke name I have used for like, I don't know, 12 years? I was really going for cool names, but I had run out of you know, anime characters and the like, so I thought I'd just "kick it oldschool" (my black friend taught me how to do that). So you informing me that its stupid and not cool, well I think I'll go cry myself to sleep now then. ;__;
" And I apologize for being make it easy. "
> Aw you are just a snuggly little bear! I wuv you too!
I'm still failing to see how 'biznatch' is related to ebonics in any way. It's american wanna-be gangster slang for either 'business' or....another word that fails to fall into the PG category.
Associating them together merely because african americans in this day and age are stereotyped to being mostly gangster is the only racism.
I'm also failing to see why I'm being serious on a topic, when this thread is already done and open to the 'humor sponged' posts.
zedoshi, are you talking to me? i didn't think we were arguing, I thought we were on the same side, so to speak.
for the record, this is why my screenname (djbiznatch) and ebonics came up:
Hoosonova, Post #35:
" Djbitch (sorry I don't do Ebonics), ... "
so yeah, smacks of hypocrisy a bit, right?
"So...where are we going with this chat?"
We're heading to a place which is located in the western-most county of Long Island, New York. Also known as Brooklyn. With a large amount of RAGE.
keep trollin trollin trollin (what!)
keep trollin trollin trollin (c'mon!)
lol from scamming [which original post still hasn't been modified to clean this up] to racism to spam.
I'll help with the spamming part until someone else comes back with a random essay to write to bring up more drama that's dying down :D
We can't stop here! This is greaver country!
BTW NegimaSonic, I wanted to say that I think you're a great poster. So for the record, I am not holidng your Guild choices against you! :P
Ahaha...well I try to be sensible with everything I write. I do know I'm not always right though.
Maybe tell me your game name so I can lurk in your party sometimes too with mah noob armor 8D
I would tell you but I'm afraid your guild mates might try to corner me in a dark alley! You tell me yours lol.
And the american english definition of anything dealing with race (which were talking Wiki so.....) will be races because of it being intertwined with it's growth and culture being from a racist society. I would like to have known what source it was taking from. I don't feel like looking myself, and I don't care.
I hate Having to break character.
I hate that I've given so much time into doing this and not having fun. first please don't take anything personal, I especially extend this to Magnus cause you haven't done anything to me, and all my provoking is in jest. I'm sure your a fine player and you know your opinionated and deserved for what you know. (meaning that you care about the game play and and put in your dues to say what you want.
To everyone else, I'm really just trying to take this serious to a point that everyone can have a good time. I'm sure who ever the person playing lex doesn't even care this much and all it takes is him deleting the character and creating a new and we're talking about nothing. Nothing but what the rules should be when playing this game when it comes to recruiting people who are dishonest. I can not control what another player of this game does, and I can't control what everyone in my player guild does. What I tried to do is care that someone else out there who received the wrong in to a mean person.
The guild:
From my stand point Team Dai Gurren in this game, was started by characters named Magic, Jamez, and Miroku. I started, wanting to be part of the super or 16 samurai, but it was really hard because the person I asked was just a recruit or member and had to wait until an officer could get back to me. day I recieved a random request from one of the 3 mentioned above. (keep in mind that this is the beginning of beta). I was giving the rank of officer. I recruited anyone that was willing to chat with me and wanted to do runs together. At the beginning of beta was awesome, there were a lot of people and no guilds so I wanted to get to know a lot of people since they were......There! Once someone joined the guild, and still to this day when someone accepts a request we automatically greeting them by name on our guild chat. they get to chattering and there you go full fledge member of Team Dai Gurren. So far everyone who has joined, donsn't leave. The only trouble I've ever noticed (before all this), was someone I sent a request to came and said this guild is full of fags and left. And with this; I actually did play a lot with lexaneous and had laugh while killings these wierd little monsters. And like mentioned could probably care less about me or what we think of them.
I had no idea what Team Dai Gurren was as far as the show goes. And honestly had plans of starting my own guild when they went live because I didn't know what the hell it was. so during the break I watched the whole series, and loved it. The best part, and what I thought was the coolest thing about it was so many double meanings of things in the game and things in the show. So I decided I would stay, but only if those guys made me master.
They did. I built the guild back up, and threw a tantrum when I realized there was a cap. I lived with it, moved on cause their not changing it. I could see if as a whole we were plotting anything malicious. But the truth whether you believe it or not is, we just like to have fun and play the game. I like Dai gurren the show, with it's quirky little tag lines and colorful characters chatting with people who have seen it,it is really dope. Plus for those who have no clue what the hell we're talking about it's fun for them to react to our mad ranting about morale coming from someone else saying believe in the you that I believe in. lately there's a lot of economic action causing a shift from just silly talk to business. I honestly don't play it for that and have about 2 days and 10 hours of play time. I don't know if that's a lot but it is to me and my life. I like playing with the same characters sometimes. most of the time I'm by myself just digging lower into depth. I keep it open for anyone to join and more than likely a few of my friends or guild mates will pop in without me even knowing they would. other times it's random people from different guilds to solo's. I still have a 2 star armor and currently working to raise the status of my sword to a lvl 4. I'm mining for energy right now, I earn money by going through the clock works then I buy energy. I also earn my own mats and all, I tried to sell them but I rather just fight for it.
Mostly all our guild chat is filled with make me this and make me that, which I just ignore cause I'm slowly trying to build my own. Their having fun getting things done their way and I'm glad to see it. I'll chime in once in awhile with a YO!! glad to see you so and so and go about my business. I might even play with them later.
I'm saying all this because this part of me playing has been fun I really don't want to discuss this anymore. Except for starting a little trouble trying to get some character out of peoples character, I meant no harm.
I would like to go back to playing and that even includes watching out for thieves; which thanks lexaneous if anything for adding a element to the game no one expected. Which is losing your money by giving to a charcater that is dihonest. A villian! I hope he keeps his character name and creates a villian with a villian guild. One thing I've noticed is if your in a guild especially one with multiple resources, you don't have to worry about getting jacked cause you know no one would stand for that! That's why he had to go out of guild to do it, which is why we never knew or how long he's been doing it.
none of this stuff matters in-side game cause once inside it's just kill things beside econmics and trade there's really no need to talk to anyone, except that was hard or that was easy, and let do it! That's the only part I care about and if I've offended anyone I've apologized enough already I'm sure you get the message. I would apologize to my guild but they know what it's like to be a real Team Dai Gurren Members and I am acting in accordance to my rank! bad player got it. he was in our guild, check. the problem is solved noted. let's get back to playing please.....
And yes I'm just a little snuggy bear. I at least look like one with wolver cap.
and now that seemed hella not needed LOL!
and now that seemed hella not needed LOL!
see guys, alls well that ends well. *hand shake, tip of cap* good day sir.
Oh dj, my in game name (main) is the same as my forum name :D I like keeping it simple.
Oh and for hoo, I'll gladly drop in on your party on jelly runs or latter half of tier 2 anytime ^-^
Making an observation about mass recruiting and calling it mass recruiting is now an uneducated opinion and a stereotype.
I have olo'd my lolol.
I think this thread would be cooler...
if it was /node/4321 instead of 4333. Though that's still a pretty cool number.
Two pages, let's give ourselves a round of applause everybody.
Good to know you're not egotizing, though it's always good just to make sure.
First you have to identify the problem you're having at the moment. Someone who was in your guild previously scammed someone, and that tarnished the image of the guild that he is representing by having the guild name above his head at all times. How to avoid problems such as this? Don't recruit people that potentially can cause this.
I fail to see how that doesn't involve your recruiting methods, or anybody's. How else can you keep this from happening, identify their intentions based on their accent?
The most you can do now, you've already done. You've apologized, made up for the loss of the player, and kicked the person from your guild. Not much else possible, other than keep this from happening again.
You didn't read my definition of an idol. To me, it's someone that's known by a majority of the population, SK population in this case. Whether the people like him or not is a totally separate topic. I guess 'celebrity' is a better word, or 'public figure'. I don't know, nor am I concerned with semantics of the word I am choosing at this moment.
I'm not seeing where I mentioned your lack of intelligence, except for the Paska thing, which isn't to be taken too seriously, like the comment he made. Merely clarifying how obvious he was just trolling thar.
Think I got everything.