When ever people sell stuff for like 25k ce They get sold almost immediatly
Im selling a simple ASI VH Tempered calibur for aboug 10k ce~ but no one will buy. I think it is a good thing but why wont it sell. ><
How can i make it sell
When ever people sell stuff for like 25k ce They get sold almost immediatly
Im selling a simple ASI VH Tempered calibur for aboug 10k ce~ but no one will buy. I think it is a good thing but why wont it sell. ><
How can i make it sell
i assumed this: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/241/147/76e.gif
I agree with Mohandar, and I'll add just one thing: The Calibur-line regular attacks are weak, but the charge attacks are pretty awesome, even for a normal sword. So a CTR VH UV would be much more valuable than an ASI VH UV. Your small target market knows this. Best wishes.
You disgust me.
As why your weapon doesn't sell, it REALLY depends on what weapon line it is.
I could have a VH CTR, VH ASI, VH Random moster damage triple UV. But if it's on a Spur, it's going to fetch a heck of a lot less than a Brandish with CTR High because the spur has no late game application while the Brandish is one of the main weapons of choice for the late game.
Are you serious?
No really, I mean it. Do you really hate me? That bad?
is anyone willing to buy the ASI VH Calibur or trade it for something thats about same price plzzz?
At this point, this is a thread for selling your sword. So please move it to the Bazaar forum. Someone will surely buy it or trade it, for whatever it's worth. The problem is deciding what it's worth, of course. Good luck.
I think that's because the Calibur line swords aren't very good compared to specialized damage types like Brandishes. Your market is end-game players who are interested in maximizing power- and a normal damage sword fails horribly at that. The only place I can think of where an ASI Calibur might be considered especially useful is the mask phase of the Vana fight, but even then an ASI Venom Striker may be better. Your problem is that the market you are trying to sell to isn't especially interested, and the parties that would be interested- F2P players trying to build a all-rounder arsenal- can't afford those sort of prices.