I'm trying to find a more femenine, but unique outfit. I'd really like to pair an angelic armor with a hat of a different line but i'm not sure... can you guys come up with some other possibilities?
What would be a good, but unique outfit for a girl?

yeah, i thought of that, but i wanted to see if there were any other options...
..... so i guess i'll be paying myself that 1000ce fee ;)

I was Experimenting with Costumes & I thought Bombastic Demo Helm w/ any Ponytail & Drake Scale Mail looks like a Less Armored Version of Angelic Mail.

There aren't a lot of outstanding options available really, and most of it boils down to your own taste. A lot of people tend to like the flower accessory, and sometimes plumes are decent, but aside from those two it's really hard to make anything out of it. It'd certainly help to know which Valkyrie-esque top you're actually going with, as we have Angelic, Seraphic, Fallen, Valkyrie, Heavenly Iron and the Silvermail and Radiant Silvermails.
For the Angelic Raiment, good helmet matches are:
- Chaos Cowl
- Bombastic Demo Helm
- Dread Skelly Helm (might take some convincing due to its 'peculiar' style)
- Rock Jelly Helm
- Drake Scale Helm
For the Seraphic Mail, good helmet matches are: (this one is too unique, having next to no good matches)
- Authentic Spookat Mask (though it cannot be customized with accessories and males who attended the event also have this)
- Spiral Scale Helm (kind of matches, kind of doesn't)
For the Armor of the Fallen, good helmet matches are:
- Miracle Hood
- Heavy Demo Helm
- Sinister Skelly Helm (more convincing than Dread, for sure)
- Ash Tail Cap
- Dusker Cap (the red stands out, but the colours match apart from the blonde back-hair)
- Dragon Scale Helm
For the Valkyrie Mail, good helmet matches are:
- Skolver Cap
- Divine Veil
- Magic Hood
- Almirian Crusader Helm
For the Heavenly Iron Armor, good helmet matches are: (this isn't a good armour choice as matching helmets are very limited)
- Cobalt Helm
- Mining Hat
- Cyclops Cap
For the Silvermail, good helmet matches are:
- Wyvern Scale Helm (...all I got for ya)
For the Radiant Silvermail, good helmet matches are:
- Wolver Cap
- Spiral Demo Helm
- Scary Skelly Mask
Those are the best I could come up with that fit their colour schemes. You could use other helmets and spice them up with accessories, but I believe that'd become a little bit hard and plausibly pricey. I could list helmets with accessories attached that could make a match, but this post would lengthen tenfold if I did, plus it'd take a lot of work and give me a headache. So there. Enjoy.

The Salamander and Dragon lines, with a plume are nice, too. Oh, also some 2* armor like vitasuit , etc.
here are some pics

Uniqueness belongs to an individual. If you want to take other people's advice on a costume, then you're not going to feel truly unique in the end.

If you were here for the halloween event and got the Spookat hat, that and Spiral Scale Mail is girly without needing pigtails on it.
If you like guns, the Shadowsun Slicker has a somewhat feminine look to it if you pair it with a feminine helm. I saw someone pair it with a Firebreak helm, and it looked quite chic.

Go to haven and look around. You'll see all kinds of outfits that look feminine.

@Shidara: Thank you so much for your detailed answer, I've been playing around with a lot of those options actually ^.^ There was a heavenly iron armor in the ah that i fell in love with so i think i'll use that, but i'm not sure- any of the valkyrie armors will do. I was looking at pairing a sniped stranger hat with it, although that doesn't get a big plus in femininity :P
@Mawashimono: I really like the first one! I'm not a huge fan of that helmet but the way you used it looks great!
@Metagenic: I find that it's very difficult to get an outfit together without seeing it on my character first. Not everything is in the AH either which makes previewing even harder. Asking for help and seeing it described (ie. Shidara's post) or in a picture (ie. Mawashimono's post) takes the agonizing element of not having what i need at my fingertips out. I like seeing what other people have tried, but in the end it will be my decision what i choose to do. Even though you seem to think I won't feel unique in the end I know I will, and that's what counts. Just because I asked for constructive counsel doesn't mean I'm going to copy whatever outfit idea I like to a T :/
@Arquebus: I was playing during the halloween event, but I was too lazy to push for the spookat hat D: oh well... Yes, I really do like firebreak line, but I don't find the gunslinger stuff really appealing. However- imagining the combo now does look quite nice...
@Fehzor: Ha, you'd be surprised of the lack of options haven provides- believe me, I've been running around there like a crazy person, but haven't found anything I like XD

I wear a plume on a 4* demo helm and seraphic. Awesome artistic rendition by Incoherrant: http://tinyurl.com/KalainaDrawing
It's not a very eyecatching look which suits me just fine since people don't bother me much for flirting and/or omg ur 5* free stuff plz? Back when I was deciding on a helm to put the plume with I was really disappointed in the options. Most things are so outlandish that demo and cobalt are the only things simple enough for a plume to work on. Maybe jelly helms if you like not having a face.
People put flowers on things and that works pretty well. But beyond that there aren't many options. SpiralSpy can help previewing ideas if you want to bother with it (it's a bit unwieldy if you aren't a computer person).

Crown of the fallen and vog cub coat.
Valkyrie Helm and skolver coat.
if you have those armors that is :)

You have a very bland taste, Mysticbeam. Maybe that's just me, though.
Mind sharing what your personal colour is, Redfevrier? I could try working on something for you.
If you're not sure about which colour it is you can visit Vatel (the green Stranger merchant) in the Bazaar and look for the colour that matches yours.

Blazebreak armor uses the model that has proto-hips and looks fairly feminine. If you're going for unique, volcanic looks nice and stands out if you're not wearing vog. I have a character that has blazebreak and a volcanic demo helm with a volcanic plume and mech'tennas. She looks girly in a Rockman/Megaman sort of way.
If you want the angelic armor (3 star) as your armor, I think Shidara's recommendation with the chaos cowl or bombastic demo helm are the way to go. They match, the hood could be male or female and the bombastic demo is minimalist and easy to customize. Getting a dusky plume to throw on the back shouldn't be too expensive. Chaos cowl and bombastic demo are both good choices by way of being unique as well, there just aren't a lot of people going to the trouble to make them. In my estimation, that makes them excellent options for costume gear.

@Kalaina: Agreed! I tried that and I think that's definitely an option- I'm a flower person so I'd probably stick a flower on there too ^.^ I really wanted to try out spiral spy and I looked into it before making this thread, but I'm on a mac and the install guide doesn't have any info on that :/
@Mystic: Mmm I'm sure those look good, at least in my imagination they do, however I'm not really a fan of the helms- imo they just make you look mad XD
@Shidara: ^.^ I am currently cyan colored
@Kilbride: Oh yes, I looked at blazebreak and loved the little pinpoints of personal color, but there are some qualities of it that just weren't that appealing :/ I really do like the valkyrie stuff though and I agree, the fact that no one really goes to those lines' five stars makes them a little rare ^.^
@Atgatg: Like I said before, I'm not really a fan of the helms however I do plan to level my ash tail to skolver asap ^.^

Golden speedo and no top!
Yeah, buy that pony tail accessory, attach it to a helmet. There, you're a girl.
I expect my 1000CE fee in my mailbox by 5PM tomorrow.