The Elite Bomber Thread

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Eeks's picture
Good writeup culture.

Good writeup culture. Assuming no UVs this is what I wear:

T1/T2 - Full Mad Bomber
T3 Shock Strata - Full Volc
T3 Fire Strata (not FSC) - Volc Helm/Mad Bomber Suit (use 100 token fire trinket if you're that worried about fire, but not a big deal since you'll still have 2 bars)
T3 Fire Strata (FSC) - Full Volc
T3 Poison Strata - Full Mad Bomber (whenever you get hit by poison switch to ash of agni and spread fire since fire ticks are unaffected by atk reduction)
T3 Ice Strata - Use whatever you want if you're partied up. Probably want to avoid full mad bomber since negative status seems to work for ice and a ~12s freeze is deadly solo.
Non themed T3 - Full Mad Bomber

Note that none of the sets include Bombastic Demo gear because it is awful. Also, be aware that Volcanic Demo has more normal defense than Mad bomber sets though this really doesn't factor into any of my decision making regarding what armor to wear.

BTW can you imagine if Bombastic had more normal or ele def than the other two sets and ctr/dmg low on both pieces? Bomber gear would be the most versatile sets as far as mix and matching goes.

Legacy Username
What the diffence between BAB and Irontech distoryer bomb?

Any Master bomber can tell me :

the charge time,

the damage in T2/T3,

the knockback effect,

between the BAB and Irontech distoryer bomb?

thx very much!!

Eeks's picture
I am not 100% sure but I've

I am not 100% sure but I've been told by a couple people plus third party observations that:

fuse time: nitronome < angry bomb < irontech
knock back: nitronome < irontech < angry bomb
damage: nirotonome < irontech < angry bomb *fixed thanks to deckard*
walk speed: angry bomb < irontech < nitronome
bomb radius: angry bomb/irontech < nitronome

Seeing BAB and Irontech in action really turned me off on making them, even for testing. I do have the 4* irontech recipe and I'm waiting on 5* but I'm not sure I'll go through with BAB. The damage is higher but the DPS is lower and the set-up is harder to do because of the fuse. At d26 or d26 Nitro does 200 dmg while the BAB was doing ~250.

Keep in mind I've never used BAB or Irontech but I don't think having higher knockback isn't really as beneficial as it may seem. With a faster fuse on the nitronome and small knockback you can essentially keep hitting the same targets over and over every time since they'll make it back to the larger radius before the 2nd explosion goes off.

tldr: nitronome is the best of the 3

^ Big Angry does more damage

^ Big Angry does more damage than Irontech, otherwise your rankings are correct.

Legacy Username

Hi guys. I'm trying to decide whether to get either a mad bomber suit or a nitro bomb. Which one should i get 1st? Would getting nitro bomb earlier enable me to solo in t2?

I already have mad bomber helm, heavy demo suit, fausts x 3! Silversix, shivermist, ash, graviton bomb and master blaster.

Note: All the items are none uv.

Thanks a lot.

Fallout's picture
get nitro first, if your a

get nitro first, if your a good bomber armour wont matter much till late t3, and getting a ton of damage is funner then not getting hurt.

Eeks's picture
@pngmm: You should be able to

@pngmm: You should be able to solo T2 with what you have now. I used to solo T2 all the time when leveling Fused Demo Suits/Master Blast Bombs. Anyway, I would go for nitronome before mad bomber suit if I had to choose between the two but Mad Bomber Suit will max out your CTR and give you an additional +2 to dmg w/ bombs so going that choice would be beneficial as well. No clue what dmg the master blast bomb does in T2 but the nitronome gets scaled down anyway so the damages would probably be similar and you'd get faster CTR but less radius.

Legacy Username
Thanks for the feedback guys.

Thanks for the feedback guys. :)

I'm gonna reward myself with nitro for the crwns i made.

Thanks again!

Legacy Username
I have 3 haze bombs with

I have 3 haze bombs with construct, undead, and fiend to turn into the fire, ice and poison lines. Any recommendations for which should be which?

Eeks's picture
Construct - Fire Undead -

Construct - Fire
Undead - Ice

Fiend - Vendor or trade for another construct imo

Icee's picture
Freeze the fiends.

Fiend - Ice

Freezing greavers is a great way to avoid getting killed in about 2 seconds on tier 3 fiend levels.

Eeks's picture
@Icee: Freeze is great

@Icee: Freeze is great against fiend but hitting them with the elemental damage from the bomb, not so much. It is very unlikely that you'll ever be able to consistently hit devilites or greavers with the elemental damage of a haze bomb unless it is a pit boss in which case, what's the point?

Construct and undead are the two easiest targets to hit with the elemental explosion of the haze bomb and they both happen to be weak to elemental damage which is a nice bonus.

Legacy Username
Get a

Ionized salt/Rock salt bomb causes shock on hit and will result in a 'knockdown', good to use on fiend and wolvers.

Legacy Username
Fallout, your my hero

Fallout you're without question the biggest inspiration for me to become a bomber. Thanks for this brilliant thread. I know unfortunately i'm just not skilled enough with only bombs to attempt to use the mad bomber set when i reach 5 star equipment, I use both master blast and my ascended calibur but i'm aiming for a nitronome, a gravitron and a shivermist buster someday.

Please tell me: what is the main advantage of the irontech destroyer and irontech bomb? i've never seen them in action and all the wiki states that the irontech pushes monsters away! What would you use an irontech for?

Thanks for this thread, you would make the brotherhood of steel proud sir

Peace and Love, Sparkster,
IGN Capsulejoe

Legacy Username
Yo team bomber! Quick

Yo team bomber!

Quick question.

For an ionized salf bomb and a nitronome which are the best uvs? im using a mad bomber hat atm.

I was thinking for ionized get a uv vs gremlin/beast and for nitro prob ctr? i have ash and the 4* freeze with ctr already


Eeks's picture
If you aren't wearing a

If you aren't wearing a bomber suit then I would probably go with CTR for the nitronome. CTR low will max out CTR w/ full volcanic and CTR med will max out CTR if you're only wearing helm. Otherwise, I would probably get dmg UV in beast, gremlin, or undead. Beast are hilariously easy to take care of with the nitronome in T3 so doing extra dmg to them will get work done faster but it isn't necessary. Gremlin are pretty annoying in T3 and weak to nitronome knockback so this is also a good choice. Nitroing gremlin is prone to mistakes so killing them faster is a good choice. Undead UV is good for FSC where nitronome is strong.

Fiend are somewhat annoying to hit with nitro so I don't recommend it. Slimes is pretty good but like beast not 100% necessary. I do have a slime med specifically for Jelly King. Construct are very tricky to lock into a perpetual nitronome cycle so I don't really recommend dmg UV here since you probably won't be nitroing most of them.

Can't give you any advice on ionized though as I've never used it.

Legacy Username
i tried ionized, 4* right? if

i tried ionized, 4* right? if you're in team maybe its helpful, but the hit chance is limited even at close range. solo definitely not in t3, doesn't knock back, doesn't hit hard, you might be able to hold back a 2~3 shocked mobs, but the other 5 would hunt you down in no time, as your run speed is reduced. i'm sure its for pvp.

Fallout's picture
mm in pvp last time, radiant

mm in pvp last time, radiant sun shards (twas 5star then) did at ton of damage to players, but rarely hit those who had decent shields. blast shiver and ash is the way to go for pvp.

ctr Uvs on bombs aren't really that needed (specially if your going for mad bomber) i had a ultra dmg to gremlin UV last preview which was amazing in t3 and it meant i rarely had problems with them. but getting a jelly UV is a ton of fun. problem with grems and beasts is that they dodge a lot, so maybe try for construct or fiend (wont have to get sun shards then) on the ionized.

Legacy Username
I would go

Ionizied Salt - Beast/Fiend, it'll maximizes the damage on these mobs that dodge and since piercing is good on them. Gremlin are already, but no knockdown for t3 ones, better off using something else when encountering t3 gremlins.

Nitronome, apparently does great on undead/construct, basically slow mob.

CTR is better than any damage bonus

Apparently, my comments are kind of contradicting the others..

Fallout's picture

anyone got every bomb yet?

i got
nitro, irontech(ready to upgrade), heavy decon, master blast UV(ready to up to Angry), Gravi(ready to upgrade), Freezy atom(ready to Up), fiery vap, toxic vap mk2, rocksalt(ready to Up), sunshards(ready to up), coldsnap, haze, firecracker and proto bomb.

only missing static flash(lol) and am just lacking funds for upgrading all the lines....

ALMOST THERE! don' think i'll get all bomber suits unless bombastic is rebalanced.......
so totally doing dauntless delver with only bombs once i am complete, will need a party then.

cannot wait to bomb this wolver boss to the nether!!! and i am only hoping for new bombs from tokens (JK has the gun and the sword, Van has Fang and Ancient, why cant we have special bombs?)

Legacy Username

My collection:
5* Ash of Agni CTR Med, Shivermist Buster CTR Med, Venom Veiler CTR Med
4* Fiery Atomizer CTR Low (was crafting for a friend :P), Freezing Atomizer^ Undead VH, Graviton Bomb^, Heavy Deconstructor High Const, Master Blast Bomb CTR Low
3* Deconstructor^ Gremlin High, Sun Shards^
2* Blast Bomb^ Undead High, 5 Crystal Bombs (various low uvs)
1* Cold Snap, Firecracker, Static Flash, 8 Haze Bombs (various low-med uvs)

^ Upgrade after I get the damage table.

I'm still missing all the 5* Blast Bombs and the Ionized Salt line though I have the recipes. I want to get useful UVs before spending that much CE on the bombs.

Legacy Username
Are crystal bombs any good?

Are crystal bombs any good? I'm just about to advance to tier2 and I need to have a bomb that can actually do some damage, unlike my haze bomb. Is the charge time short? Is the range good? How powerful is it?

Eeks's picture
Here is my current

Here is my current aresenal:
Ash of Agni - DMG vs Construct VHIGH
Shivermist - CTR LOW
Venom Veiler - DMG vs Construct High
Graviton Bomb @ Lvl 10 w/ Graviton Vortex recipe learned (waiting for reblance since I'd never use it)
Graviton Bomb - CTR LOW (probably not going to keep)
Nitronome - DMG vs Undead VHIGH
Nitronome - DMG vs Slime MED
Nitronome - DMG vs Beast MED
Nitronome - CTR LOW
Blast Bomb - DMG vs Gremlin HIGH
Crystal Bomb - Undead MED (waiting for a better UV)
Spine Cone yay lol

I have all the sun shard recipes but I'm waiting on a good UV. From what I've seen from the spine cone, it looks like nitro w/ beast might be obsolete :<

Negimasonic's picture
How does the new token bomb

How does the new token bomb fare anyway? What is it like?

Eeks's picture
>How does the new token bomb

>How does the new token bomb fare anyway? What is it like?

It looks like nitro w/ pierce damage and no push. Need to find recipes to know for sure though.

edit: it looks like it knocks wolvers to the floor but it doesn't have any knockback like the n itro

Fallout's picture
=O really need me a spiny

=O really need me a spiny cone now.

and @leafy crystal bombs are decent once you understand how to use them.

Fallout's picture
got it mwahaha

got it mwahaha

Legacy Username
I wants me a goddamn Spiny

I wants me a goddamn Spiny Cone. I dislike crystal shard bombs, but I hate devilites more than is probably healthy.

The lack of UV's compared to the Sun Shard's inherent damage bonus will be a problem, as will the fact that the Charge Time on the Spiny Cone is weaker, but I reckon a Spiny Cone would be a real boon against fiends.

When I get one, does anyone with Sun Shards want to do a fiend run with me, to compare their relative effectiveness?

Eeks's picture
I am up to 4* now with the

I am up to 4* now with the spine cone. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. The knockdown in T1 was great with no push but in T3 apparently it no longer has any knockdown so it's just a pure damage bomb with no knockback or knockdown. This makes its use a bit dangerous as you can't really time it to cancel devilite attacks and since there is no push or knockdown they continue to just attack you. The bomb works very well when you combo with another bomb like shivermist since you can keep pounding the same target over and over. I had a friend put down shiv and I was dropping down the 4* spine cone and we took out a group of 8 greavers which was pretty cool. Hopefully the 5* one is a bit better.

BTW the blast animation gets a lot more annoying as you upgrade. 3* is green and 4* is red. Not quite as bad as the blast bomb series but it gets more obnoxious for sure.

Legacy Username
so.... is the crystal bomb worth it?

It's either the Fiery 2* upgrade to the haze bomb, or the crystal bomb. I need a bomb that will charge fast and deal lots of damage so that I can help my teammates using bombs intead of looking like an idiot, dealing a whopping 4 damage(!) to every enemy with my haze bomb.

Fallout's picture
crystal bombs are generally

crystal bombs are generally left out, but can deal A LOT of damage if you use them correctly. i know there are a few who do it amazingly *cue sick and syor*

Legacy Username
Spine Cone damage/knockdown

I was using a full heated 2* Spine Cone at depth 17. It took 6 hits before I got a zombie to fall over. So it might still have knockdown but it is so weak that it becomes rare. The damage is great impressive for a 2* - I was getting 94 weak, 57 neutral, 17 resistant. (90 is Master Blast 4* at that depth) How is the damage with a 4*? Anyone find the 5* recipe yet?

P.S. Basil hates me.

Eeks's picture
Alright I'm up to 5* now.

Alright I'm up to 5* now. The bomb explosion looks AWESOME. The radius is great (same as nitronome). But.......

no knockdown? At least it doesn't seem like it does any at T3. The fuse is slow.. you can get 3 swings of calibur off before it blows up. I can live with the lack of knockback/knockdown but the fuse is kind of killer. It would be kind of cool to get a slight chance of stun like the rigadoon to make up for no knockback. I was doing 161 dmg at D19 w/ +med dmg w/ my level 1 bomb versus devilites.

I'm sure it has some use (i.e. set two up then use your sword to soften enemies for the bomb) but it seems like kind of a misstep in design for me. They need to cut it out with slow fuse bombs already. Bomb DPS is already awful enough as it is.

edit: looks like 5* can knock down menders. need to test on regular gremlins. for some reason it does grey dmg though and way lower than nitro so kind of pointless in that regard.

Legacy Username
I have just bought a crystal

I have just bought a crystal bomb and it's pretty cool. In terms of both overall damage and helping out teammates, which is better; the fiery or freezing vaporizer?

Negimasonic's picture
hmm...sounds like I won't

hmm...sounds like I won't like that bomb after all, still, I'm happy to have a new option regardless.

@eek5 Hate to say it, but i

@eek5 Hate to say it, but i kinda disagree. While the fuse timer is long, this is the bomb it's perfect for.

Wolvers are almost never a problem for bombers til t3. T3 wolvers are susceptible to manipulation, though, and the fuse length helps. Set the bomb down, switch to a gun, antigua line being the best, and spam shots into the pack. The entire group will teleport in to your location, at which point you make a hasty, if madly cackling, exit. Chromalisks are generally too slow to worry about, so we can simply move on.

For fiends, both the devilites and grievers are primarily deadly up close, but pursue you rather relentlessly. The fuse length on the bomb is once again long enough to set down out of range, run away, and have them in the radius by the time the bomb goes off.

As for trojans, well, the old wait for a swing, then sidestep behind them still works, and the fuse timer again works to your benefit, letting you get back around the trojan to swing his back into place. Which, by the way, is really, really difficult with the sun shards.

On most bombs, I think long fuse timers suck, but they may've gotten it right here...

Eeks's picture
Eh.. nitronome wrecks wolvers

Eh.. nitronome wrecks wolvers in T3; they just keep warping into the blast. I don't think that's a problem at all. I don't use a gun so having a nitronome set up the chain with 1 slot is better than needing an assist from a gun to make the spine cone useful. For fiends and greavers you can push them out of their deadly range if you set up a nitronome chain. Again, the spine cone is not great in this instance because of the lack of knockdown and long fuse. No knockdown means you're open for attack even after the bomb explodes. The long fuse makes it hard to time attack cancel since you're left at the mercy of the fuse. Most of the more deadly devilite rooms are small and the nitronome can knock them around but shiv+levi is probably a better combo for them. I think the knockdown/cancel timing is a huge disadvantage for devilites; it isn't like the nitronome where every explosion gives you a second to recover.

Trojans are easy to deal with w/ the nitronome as well since you can put one in front, spin around back and have it hit him. The 4* bomb was actually perfect for this but the 5* might be too slow which will leave you vulnerable as you spin around and wait for the bomb to go off. Instead of having the trojan constantly spin, he is likely to do one of his sword attacks which could push you into spikes or other hazards.

Maybe the bomb just doesn't fit my play style. I can somewhat see the set-up potential of it if you're going to drop it and switch to a sword for extra damage but it seems like too much risk for very little reward when used like that. For just pure bombing, it leaves you too vulnerable and will most likely require more shield usage than most bombers are used to. The things that it seems best at is sniping silk wings and killing wolvers (not alpha wolvers mind you) which are both very trivial mobs to kill with other bombs. Speaking of alpha wolvers, it isn't very good since it doesn't cancel their attack and they can continue their 3shot bite combo without hesitation or disruption.

BTW it does knock down regular wolvers on T3, not that it really matters.

Fallout's picture
yes nitro owns wolvers- as in

yes nitro owns wolvers- as in they were never a problem. and damn... i was really hoping there would be another bomb comparable to nitro... and no knockback? i dont even....
its a big dissapointment that its not like the sealed or antigua series >.< was hoping something like that.

i guess it might be alright for devilites... but defs will get it for the art. wait piercing is gold for vanaduke right? might be good after all.

@ eek5 Oh I know, but

@ eek5 Oh I know, but devilites can't be knocked down anyway, though they can be knocked back. The only reason i grudgingly approve of the lack of knockback is that both grievers and wolver alphas are notorious for slipping past your bomb and getting knocked toward you instead.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that, as a bomb used strictly for piercing damage against those weak to it, it works. And now all we need is decent Shadow and Elemental damage dealing bombs, and we can be as damage versatile as swordies :P

Not that i think I'll ever get pulled away from Nitronome/Shivermist anytime soon.

Fallout's picture
if they are knocking towards

if they are knocking towards you iinstead.... i don't think your bombing right.

we have vortex for shadow although it is terrible lol, and vaps for ele.... but yes we need some blast style bombs that do that.

Oh not for regular fights,

Oh not for regular fights, just the massive melees in arenas. Or when they're already clustered in with the other wolvers I want to kill. Or when my timing's a little off.

And yeah, that's exactly what I meant :P

Fallout's picture
gah running on mist energy

gah running on mist energy again.... thankyou pine cone bomb.

NNNNNNJJJJJJJJ!!!!! im bankrupt again.

Eeks's picture
For arenas with alpha wolvers

For arenas with alpha wolvers keep kiting like you would a regular haze bomb. Their 3 hit combo usually straight lines so the explosions will throw them off your path the majority of the time. Because they can close ground so fast you rarely want to approach them like you would other enemies (i.e. doing the tango by kiting then walking towards to drop the bomb and kiting again)

Regarding the spinecone: I think I would be fine with the bomb if either the fuse was faster or we got something to compensate for the long fuse (knockback, knockdown, stun, or anything). As is though, it doesn't really fit my playing style and I usually regret not having a different bomb when I have it in my loadout. I'm curious to see what other bombers think of it though.

and FWIW I was really enjoying the 4* version

Fallout's picture
mmm i dont feel im going to

mmm i dont feel im going to get it to 5star on mist. i dont see where i'd need it, as i can pretty much do everything without needing the pine cone. i only find shiver and nitro useful these days, and occasionally ionized for them stupid switches i cant reach/ miss. so im thinking i upgrade my freezy atom (derp) and some crystal lines before getting the briar.

@eek5 I think you're right,

@eek5 I think you're right, that's been the problem I've been having with the alphas. In arenas where the turrets and alphas show up one after the other, I tend to aim for the turrets first, which has me going in those straight lines around the edge. That and staggered lines, where one alpha will charge, then another, and another (same with grievers). And in the 'smaller' arenas in the wild paths, I hit the healers first, which means I'm not paying attention to the alpha except by peripheral location. My usual approach was to kill off the stragglers, then taking on the Alpha, provoking it, then setting the bomb at the end of it's charge. Dum-dee-dum, mental adjustments... I'll look at it again, thanks.

It's not really a major problem, though, more of a continued annoyance, but I could see how it could be moreso to a beginner. The main aspect I'm trying to sell here is a lower 'unpredictability' than a Blast Bomb.

@Fallout the only real reason to chase the 5* bomb at the moment is to see the nifty graphic change. Looks like the spirit of the Snarbolax decided to make an appearance.

Eeks's picture
I'm actually warming up to

I'm actually warming up to the DB a bit but I'm still disappointed by the fuse time. Rits made a good point to me that the DPS of the bomb is really only going to be restricted by its charge time, not the fuse. The DB charges as fast as the nitronome so once you get a chain started it hits at the same speed. The problem is there is nothing to set up w/ the DB. I feel like Irontech and Big Angry are being penalized for their extra knockback so the fuse is longer and it is riskier to set up a chain compared to the nitronome. The DB has NO knockback though and I feel like the fuse should either be the same as the nitronome or faster as a result. For a bomb that does nothing for you except damage, having a long fuse seems like an unecessary punishment. You're already risking your neck to charge the bomb but you have to wait even longer before you start dealing damage.

Anyway, from my use with it so far I've found that the bomb is great against regular wolvers, sniping out silkwings from a pack without being disruptive in party play (which ironically makes this better than a venom veiler against silk wings which isn't saying much!), and it seems like a better bomb than the nitronome in gremlin/wolver danger rooms. Still, I don't think it will make it into my main rotation which is a pity considering how cool the bomb looks. I'll continue to use it until level 10 and a bit past that while gathering my thoughts for the bomb balance thread.

Legacy Username
I've got Spike Shower and wow

I've got Spike Shower and wow its amazing... Catch the Beasts and fiends in them and boom! they goo except no pushback but that doesn't bother me.. I currently carry Poison Nitro Vortex and Spike Shower....

Fallout's picture
ill make mine to 5star

ill make mine to 5star throughout the week when i don't need my mist. need to buy a gamer card so i can actually craft stuff easily (get profits and market for CE? pfft im to lazy)

Legacy Username
I just bought a freezing vaporizer....

And the range is horrible. Does it get better as it is upgraded? Also, should i invest in a weapon slot upgrade so that i can carry two bombs and a sword, since having just two bombs will leave me kind of defenseless? If I'm surrounded by enemies and I only have bombs I'll never get out and I will die.

Legacy Username
Yep and yes

Yes, all the haze bombs increase in size after 2*. Unfortunately, the radius is so small in 2 and 3* that it is difficult to use. The 4* isn't bad, and then the 5* version of the bombs are massive.

I'm a bomber, but I almost always carry a sword to whack things when bombing wouldn't be as helpful. Usually run with two swords, two bombs or one sword and three bombs.