Why you lag SK. :(
B****ing aside, are there any recommended performance tweaks? I seriously don't think SK should be laggy on an i5 at 1028x760 (derp, something like that), lowest graphics.
Why you lag SK. :(
B****ing aside, are there any recommended performance tweaks? I seriously don't think SK should be laggy on an i5 at 1028x760 (derp, something like that), lowest graphics.
It took me nearly a year to find someone *****ing about java on this game.
laggy java is laggy. Java apps are always laggy.
Yeah, Java's not really a great language for programming games in. It's flexible as hell and it can be used damn near anywhere, but at an extremely heavy price of instability and poor performance.
SK would run a lot better if it was programmed in just about any other mainstream language, really.
Performance profiles. Results may vary, experiment is key.
Ah yeah, those performance tweaks work wonders on lower end machines.
Java is not the issue here, stop spreading information that is a decade outdated.
Also your processor is mostly irrelevant to games, tell us your graphics card and ping to the servers.
I got an i3 540 @ 3.07GHz
Nvidia GTS 450
And still 20-25ish fps on high settings of FSC
I think it also has to do with your connection and how far you are away from the nearest server.
You are wrong. Have you checked resource usage while playing spiral knights? Graphic card usage is not really big, i have never seen usage of GPU while playing SK above 30%, same with GPU ram around 20%
While CPU usage is always at minimum 50%
Beside, lagging java is not outdated information, even now when i run application and it freezes my PC or does weird things i just check "About" or something and almost always that app is java based.
Jumping to the conclusion that because you've seen java-apps make heavy use of your resources, java is the problem. If a car breaks down, I don't make the conclusion cars are prone to breaking down. I look at the individual case. There are tools in java that enables optimising heavily, and many applications that run very smoothly in JRE on a variety of systems. Spiral knight's performance-issues are much rather proof of inexperience in optimising. And for the dude who called "instability and poor performance", instability? Java? Relative to what? I could point to far more problems caused by C++'s ancient standards than java's. The fact that a lot of AAA's written in the C-branch is stable is simply the result of resources for proper debugging and maintenance.
I'll check the stats on my performance PC (i5-2500k with a Radeon 6870 built for rendering home videos) later, but yea, this game isn't the best in terms of optimazations.
As for Java, unless you really know what you are doing any language can be inefficient if used improperly. In general, C#, Java and other JIT type languages are going to be slower than C++ or other compiled languages. However, C++ has to be optimized for the lowest common CPU instruction set which may leave a lot of room for improvement. I can point you to places where FFTs are completed faster in C# than C++ because of optimizations that C# can do on the fly that C++ can't. So, if your C++ application is built for a Pentium 3, a C# application would be slower on the Pentium 3, but that same program could blow the C++ code out of the water on an i5. (as you might be able to tell, C# is my primary programming language :-D)
As for game programming, in my experience, C# directX is slower than C++ DirectX. I imagine the same is true with running openGL through Java, but I don't have any hands on experience. However, for what this game is, Java should still be able to perform well enough that there aren't massive frame rate drops. You'll notice that most drops are in places like FSC or IMF where there are a lot of special graphical effects with the fire, shock and explosions.
I have a very high end computer, Intel i7 3.2ghz ATI Radeon 6800 series, and 8GB of RAM, and other specs I do not remember in the back of my hand (Im at school right now so I can't check my specs :p)
The Twins give me like... 15-20 fps and some parts of FSC like, 30 fps or Lower?
Other games do not give me problems like this... soo... I have no idea whats going on.
if u use the integrated sandy bridge grafix, be sure u play from windows and use directx, cause intel drivers sux. the sandy bridge grafix is poor so logicaly your game expirience is poor too, java is nice, i see future in java, its not java fault;)
The problem I see is the garbage collector (or GC, which is always on in Java). You can tweak the GC. But based on experiencing of tweaking SK, it's hard to find a configuration that works for all cases (maps). Allocating more memory to Java in the hope that it would delay GC is not viable, because as the memory being used accumulate, Java uses more time to bookkeeping these memories and when GC does kick in, it uses even more time and as a result causing longer pauses during gameplay.
Graphic wise. SK can be really graphic intensive (but not as intensive as Crysis 2 or BF3) if you turn on 16x AA, render effects, HQ texture filtering and SSAO (don't think Anisotropic filtering works in SK) on full HD. I ran my SK with these settings on SLI and both GPUs are constantly stressed over 40-50%.
I stopped understanding this thread after "Laggy Java is Laggy"
LOL. Not really, but you catch my drift. But those performance tweaks seem great, thanks a million. I'll test it out when I get a chance to play later.
Spiral Knights is a bit weird as another knight said I have a above average gaming PC that can run BF3 and such at 60 FPS and all that. FSC once in a while gives me what feels like 30 FPS, but in general I'm at a smooth 60 FPS. Must be your connection.
Spiral Knights performance is overall bad. Maybe because it uses java?
I get to the recommend ++++++++ but I still lag in some maps such as FSC and arcade.
I get better FPS on L4D2/TF2/MW2