Title says all:
Want to sell (WTS) 1x Dragon Drawing (exclusive edition)
Starting Bid: 300 CE
Current Bid: 300 CE (Xairathan)
End Date: 2/17/12
This magnificent fan art was hand drawn with fine sharpened pencil followed by shadowing from the purest charcoal in my art set. Afterwards, I scanned it with the highest resolution and re-sized it to 1080p. Last but not least, I made the "knights" at the bottom rainbow colors and touched up and removed any blemishes with Photoshop from my Adobe Master Collection (2k grand in real life).
I will NOT be providing any sort of sample, not even a thumbnail, as for the risk of someone re-sizing it and walking away with my picture without pay. Of course they will end up with definite distortion but then again there are certain programs...You get my point. Thank you for understanding.
There will be no horseplay on this thread. Be aware of what your bidding for and don't make your expectations too high. If you are not very sure I would suggest you think it through. It is a beautiful picture in my opinion thus it is black and white except for the "knights" in the logo as I said earlier. Thank you for considering and may the best bidder win!
The link(s) will be sent to the winner via mail (in game) that is announced at the end of the competition but be aware that you cannot resale it according to my policy. If you are caught doing this I may open a ticket to see if it is ban-able, which I am sure it is. However, on the other hand you can share if that is thy's wish :D