"Can you count the lies?
Magnus: I’m some guy that plays too much.
Goldenavengers: Ow really
Magnus: Yeah.
Chris: Hey Golden, don’t listen to magnus, he’s just upset our guild is better than his, the usual MMORPG rage stuff.
Magnus: I just bought Sonic Generations, too.
Magnus: And still haven’t played it.
Chris: He will do anything in his power to troll you and lie to you about our guild as well.
Biotyrant: At least your pc can run it Magnus…
Chris: Just so you know we are only recruiting 5* players at the moment because we get 10+ applicatiosn per day
Magnus: Chris, didn’t you move onto Rubyeclipse’s dick? :3c
Chris: Ruby moved onto mine. He spent 3500 energy in one LD game trying to beat us and we still won because I did 30k damage.
Chris: That’s called domination.
Magnus: Wow, you remembered all that? Definitely on his dick aren’t you? u:
Chris: I also see I scared you out of Lockdown completely with my superiority
Chris: Also I’m glad im still on your pretend ignore list.
Magnus: Well that’s fine. You were finally making mine sore. <3
Shennynerd laughs.
Magnus laughs.
Chris: Also enjoy the complaint for the extremely offensive language.
Shennynerd laughs.
Magnus laughs.
Chris: I know you’re already on your last warning for your perma forum ban.
Shennynerd thinks, “wut”
Magnus laughs.
Chris: Keep up the /laugh and pretend ignore
Chris: Your envy is showing.
Goldenavengers: Are you sure I can’t get in Knightmare?
Chris: Like I said we can’t recruit under 5* players.
Shennynerd thinks, “envy?”
Magnus laughs.
Goldenavengers: I see
Chris: There’s just too much demand to get into Knightmare.
Magnus laughs.
Chris: I get at least 6 applications per day from will [sic] 5* people.
Chris: We remove like 2 people a week :/
Magnus laughs.
Goldenavengers: Aw sorry to hear that.
Goldenavengers: I’m pretty sure I know Daclub.
Goldenavengers: He’s my account!
Goldenavengers: Lol =P
Magnus laughs.
Goldenavengers: I am Daclub Chris :D
Magnus laughs. Magnus laughs. Magnus laughs.
Goldenavengers: It’s my account!
Goldenavengers: I wanna multibox Chris :D
Goldenavengers: So that’s why I mad an alt.
Goldenavengers: U see now why =P
Shennynerd laughs.
Magnus laughs.
(At this point, Chris becomes dreadfully silent. Shen and I talk about how I’m wearing a hat that doesn’t match my armor, which means I wasn’t matching her. It goes on for a bit.)
Goldenavengers: :D I gotta go do multiboxing. Cya Chris. Wanna do fsc?
Magnus laughs.
Chris: o_O
Goldenavengers: Daclub can invite u. Hold on.
Chris: Magnus I do thank you thought, for removing all of the low skilled weeaboos from Knightmare.
Magnus laughs.
Shennynerd: wat
Chris: Off to merchant in a different haven because you will surely rage at me.
Magnus (you guessed it folks) laughs."
Jim Dale did not read this at all.