I believe I have found the new trend in armor. Behold.
And you thought that Skolvers were the clones...
S'not as if fem players really have much choice if they want a fem-specific look. What have they got like..3 fem-armours?
Short of that it's spendin' however much unnessecary crowns on accessories to try and girlise their gear.
that's like my fashion ever since SK got released on steam.
Darkbrady, there are actually many different looks you can choose from to look feminine. I guess you're just not looking hard enough. (Or maybe all the Guys-In-Real-Life got to them first.)
You've got it all wrong aemicus.
I use Crown of the Fallen + Ash Tail Coat if I'm not running Mining Cap + Ash Tail Coat :-D
I think bombheads have always been a trend for some players... they just look cool and are relatively easy to grab if you know what you're doing/get lucky in BN.
lol thats the main result of a team winning bombheads in LD .... i wish i could win a bombhead in LD :/
Reporting from Spiral Fashion Headquarters.
I honestly believe the wolver items are easier to grab. I am wearing a set at the moment, until I get my chroma stuff set up again.
It cracks me up that anyone seems to think that a wolves coat and angelic helm really looks at all feminine. Even skelly armor looks more girly. The angelic helm is very gender neutral unless you're rocking valkyrie or seraphic. I use the Crown of the Fallen with the Heavy Demo Suit and it looks positively fierce. It all depends on colors and what else you're using.
And for the record, the clipping between the angelic helm and wolver coat annoys me. Not that anyone should be too concerned about what I think. Heh.
I know it looks like an advertisement for Valkyrie Knights™
Everyone wears the angelic, saphiric, valk, or SL valk versions of the helmet as a guild costume =)
Subliminal advertisement to Derpule's store.
/dislike for advertising