Pls i don't want test it i have nothing in the real server from it :(
i test till -4 or so but i want now a date how it goes to the real server
pls nick tell it all the waiting peopels...
is it thursday? or tomorrow because the deal ends?
Pls say the time how it comes out

i know that are bugs but the most are even reportet so i think we have to become it :D
or i wont that my real ccount becomes all thinks i have earnd from the rewards and the missions

Well the bugs that are reported will need to be fixed. With fixing them comes changes, meaning we'll have to test it again to see if the fixes work and the bugs are gone. While a lot of the bugs have been found, it's best to have a lot of testers play through because something might have been missed. I still feel that what we are dealing with is rough and still needs a little work.

i want thbat we can see the real prices for the items,because no item will cost over 5000 or no 1 will bought it!
so i think they can take the real prices in the test server

Learning the prices in the testing server would be pointless since you have infinite mist anyway. I'm not even sure the development team even has a solid number on the final prices since, as we saw with RSS, they still have some balancing to do.

pls nick can you add the real prices? or say me the outcomming time,i will bet on thursday :D
(from german time)
There's still a fair amount of bugs and testing that needs to go on. These may not even be all the missions. Be patient; this phase is a very important one to ironing out all the kinks in the new stuff.