Currently a knight elite and at rank 6-2 for missions. I noticed one of the supply depot feature items is dragon scale mail while the rest are 3-star. I am assuming it was meant to be a drake scale male to go with the drake scale helm. Anyways, seems out of left field to have a 5-star item at that point.
Has the drop rates for materials been adjusted? It seems some good materials are becoming pretty common. I didn't know if that's to compensate for the extremely tiny player population, or if it's even a legitimate change. I'm not complaining but it's curious.
I thought so too. But last night I went and played on the live server and was getting some nice mat drops there too, so it might just be preception. Also, a lot of the later missions start you off in Strata 4, so you're more likely to get those 3-4* mats than one usually would when starting a run in T2.
It is almost too easy to get the mats you need now, actually. If someone is short on Owlite feathers, there's a 5-2 mission that has three deep Scarlett Fortress levels in a row. If soloing that's 3-4 Owlite feathers, easy. It is nice because it gets rid of the grindiness of mat collection, but that is kind of a traditional part these types of games.