why there are no valentine event today?and how to get the love puppy mask
valentine event
dude ,sry to tell u but if we do not get it in auction house,where could we get it.
and if we get in auction house,is it permanent.sry for the many question made
Would it be that hard to just look around the game and find out for yourself?
love puppy mask is stupidly overpriced for something that EXPIRES AFTER 30 DAYS
Don't give him an answer, he has a habit of asking a buttload of stupid questions (…trolling…?)
dude has like 10+ threads on the New Recruits section
@fatty the only way to get love puppy masks is from the featured auctions. these r limited and not out forever. the valentine event is out later today. the love puppy mask only lasts for 30 days once u equip it.
You have many questions don't you Fattykiller, if I may ask, when did you start playing the game?
If it was only a couple of weeks ago, then that's understandable, but if it was in the summer...
What have you been doing?
Anywho - Nick posted on this thread regarding the valentines event, so look on there if you need any more info.
there is... another way.
Take all of your artifacts to depth 30, and speak to the giant love puppy (its like a 5% spawn chance at D30 in the Iron Troll gate) and give him your artifacts. In return you get either a Luv Puppy mask (permanent) or a Luv Locket. (chances are 50/50).
Depth 30 just isn't well known, except to the best players. YOu'll see. Fatty will end up with the special items.
patience young grasshoppper. they havent released it yet. and ps to get love puppy mask heres what you do.
1. get off trolling on forums.
2. open the game
3. do a butt load of levels, and amass crowns.
4. got to the auction house
5. buy the love puppy mask.