(i hope this is in the right forum section,if not,could somebody redirect me?)
I'm fairly new to spiral knights,and have just recently found out that a cold iron vanquisher is not that good of a sword,so i have decided to change my weaponry up a bit,and im now deciding to go down the electric brandish and fire autogun paths,will these paths end me up with fairly good weapons? or are there better one's i am not aware of?
First, you should read Bopp guide here which explain a lot about swords.
That said, Shock brandish is a very good elemental weapon, keep it. You should also look into a shadow and piercing swords.
The fire autogun line, Pepperbox, is not that good because it's normal damage. You'll either prefer a Blitz Needle (piercing autogun line) for FSC, the end game boss, or for more all-around side-arm, an elemental gun.