I'm not sure if this is common knowledge, but it isn't up on the wiki yet. So here goes.
While pitching one of my status vials at a gun puppy I noticed that the vial 'cleared' some of the bullets being fired at me after I threw it, effectively neutralizing them on its path towards its target. I tried it a couple more times and it seems like it'll clear all the bullets in its path before it breaks.
I kind of doubt this is a bug, though it could be. Regardless, I'm from off steam so I can't edit, but does this sound like something worth noting on the wiki? It IS a technique that might be helpful in rooms filled to the brim with turrets.
Edit: I continued researching how vials and projectiles interact.
- It seems like it can block more kinds of projectiles than just the basic 'energy shot' fired by turrets. I threw a vial at one of those mine-laying gremlins and intercepted his mine-toss, making the mine land on the ground midway between us. However, I couldn't manage to intercept the laser fire from the thin, gangly robots, so it likely doesn't block ALL projectiles.
- Type of vial doesn't seem to matter. I threw a shock vial at some shock turrets and still wiped their shots.
I've noticed the same thing when using vials except for the gremlins with mines thing, that one's new. I'll add a note including both ;)