When browsing Echo's recipes via speaking with the NPC (but not the computer terminal), the model displayed is Jorin's and there is no identifying text above the cart (where "Echo - Striker" should appear).
Mission: Hall of Heroes (all)
Wed, 02/15/2012 - 18:01

Sat, 02/18/2012 - 04:27
The npc's here are giving
The npc's here are giving really awful / misleading "advice" if you put it in context with the game as it is now (NOT as it might originally have been planned). Unless the planned balancing patch is really actually going to make a huge difference here and all of those things true, it should be made clear to new players that this is not actual "game advice" but just "flavour / story texts with not much of a relation to actually playing the game". As it is now, it might lead to the conclusion that "the tutorial npc's are lying to me / the 'manual' is wrong" in new players.
Sat, 02/18/2012 - 16:09

Yea, there should be only one
Yea, there should be only one NPC - wearing wolver set and owlite shield, saying that GF, DA, toothpick and Polaris is everything real player should care about.
It appears that every NPC's list of recipes duplicates itself like saying A brandish recipe. They are showing up 3 times rather than just being one recipe like all recipes should. Not all of them duplicate but most of them do.