I think the creators should add a new gun:Flame thrower. I dont have any software to design it. But it should look like a normal flame thrower. The higher star gun might have heat waves/flames coming of the barrel and glow stronger and stronger of the glow of Vog cub armor at the end of the gun. The alchemey line could split in to three or four differnet guns. Like the alchemers they should cause: curse (soul sucker) freeze (frost Bite) fire (heat wave) shock (static strike) poison (plague spreader). The effects I suggest are: freeze, fire, shock and poison. To fire the gun you hold your attack button. The maximum time you can fire the gun with out releasing your attack button is ten seconds. The damage and range will get higher and higher as you upgrade it, starting out as five (two star) and ending up as fifteen (five star). The spred of the gun should be the radius of an freezing atomizer.
I'm open to suggestions, feedback appreciated!
Flame thrower!
have flamethrowers already, players have fire variant weaponry like the pepperbox or magma driver
they are all shot bye pressing the attack button but with this you can fire it constenly bye holding the attack button. It's like the flamethrower gunpuppy they shoot constenly with out stopping. Also Ztype can add to the fact that adding a flamethrower will not just satisfy me but more people. It can help people with vanaduke runs when hes a mask.
Vana is resistant to fire. Also, why not let the flame thrower ignite the ground (then the fire dies out, obviously). But you will need a more original name. Why not add this feature to the blitz's fire cousin (forgot what the name was)?
Ok. Volcanic pepper box doesn't Really touch the ground. But it is a very good idea!
That sounds awsome ands we know its possible (in spiral knightish way) as gremlins have em but really i guess the fire 1 sound be called death burner or something