I'm curious what would be the best choice for me as a pure gunner. Suggestions?
Good level 4 and 5 shields to aim for as a pure gunner?
Thu, 02/16/2012 - 16:08
Thu, 02/16/2012 - 17:44
One more thing. If I were to
One more thing. If I were to combine Swiftstrike with say...the nameless set, would I get an even higher attack speed increase?
Thu, 02/16/2012 - 17:48
Swiftstrike gives +3 and each
Swiftstrike gives +3 and each piece of Nameless gives +2 ASI. The cap is +6, so you'd overshoot it.
Thu, 02/16/2012 - 18:27
I'm asking this in the name
I'm asking this in the name of science:
What if you get stunned? Does the stunned status overwrite your speed to a fixed value, or does it apply a penalty, in which case overshooting your ASI helps?
Thu, 02/16/2012 - 21:31
I believe the stun status is
I believe the stun status is unrelated to any gear bonuses, so it wouldn't be affected by having more than 6 points of ASI.
Swiftstrike should be on any gunner's (or swordie's) list of shields to own.
As far as elemental and shadow shields, you've got the same choices as always: Grey Owlite; and Dread Skelly or Crust of Almire. The only big difference is on the piercing shield side, where Ironmight and Royal Jelly outclass the BTB when you factor out the sword damage bonus.